"Why?!" (Dean Winchester)

Start from the beginning

“You got knocked out.” Dean gritted through his teeth and came towards me. He looked pissed but I didn’t ask why as he picked me up bridal style and walked us back to his car.

“Thanks for the lift,” I said and tried to smile at him but he didn’t even look at me while laying me down in the back seat.

“Uh Dean, is there something I should know about? Why are you so pissed? It’s dead,” Sam said and looked back at me for answers too. I shrugged. I didn’t know why the hell Dean was so pissy all of a sudden but it was starting to worry me. What the hell was he thinking?

Little did I know I wouldn’t talk to him for three months.


Since that night Dean hasn’t even looked at me. What the hell did I do wrong?! You might think why would I think he’s mad at me? Well call it a woman’s intuition. He won’t answer my calls or texts. He won’t look me in the face. He won’t be in the same room with me no matter if it’s just me or a bunch of people around! So yeah I’m guessing it has a lot to do with me. But the question is why?

Thankfully enough Sam hasn’t deserted me. We talk everyday. Really he is the big brother I never had. We go to the bar and chill or I we have a jam session together. Heck we’re almost at the point where we can tell what the other will say before we even say it. You might think it’s freaky but it’s actually quite fun.


It was Friday night and Sam was done dealing with Dean’s cranky mood swings so him and I decided to go have a drink. Somehow we got on the topic of vampires and what it would be like to sleep with one.

“I bet their stamina is impeccable,” I fake gushed and Sam looked like he got slapped. “I mean they are probably better than regular human guys.” I joked and Sam was prepared to put his two cents in.

“Excuse me, but us human boys are just fine thank you!”

I couldn’t help but laugh but stopped short when I saw Dean walk in. I wanted to wave for him to come over but as soon as he saw me he turned and walked right back out.

“That’s it! It ends tonight!” I huffed and Sam tried to ask what I was doing but I didn’t have time to explain.

I slammed the door shut once I was outside and saw Dean walking back to his car. It (the car) looked extra sexy in the moonlight and it’s owner looked extra dangerous next to it.

Dean was opening the driver’s when I slammed it shut. He reeled around fast and looked like he was gunna yell at me, but I didn’t care.

“Why won’t you talk to me?! Why have you been ignoring me?! Why?!” I screamed it loud and clear in his face and he had me laying half way on the hood before I could breath another breath. This Dean that was so close to my face was not the Dean I once knew. There was something wrong with Dean. I wasn’t sure what but his eyes were filled with hurt.

“Beth go away.” Dean spoke quietly and dangerously to me and let me go.

“No. Not until you give me an explanation.”

He had me against the car again and I wanted to cry. Why wouldn’t he just tell me? What had I done?

“You are going to go and stay away from me.”

Tears (my biggest traitors) brimmed over my eyes and slipped down my cheeks. “What did I do Dean? What can I do to make it better?” I cried and Dean’s grip loosened from my wrists but he still held me to the car.

“You can’t do anything. It’s my fault you got hurt. You could have gotten killed. You need to stay away from me.” He whispered and breathed in a huge lung full of air.

“That’s what this is all about? You think by me staying away from you that I won’t get hurt? Dean I don’t want to stay away from you…ever.”

Dean blinked and let me go. I sat up and he turned away from me. I didn’t know what else to do so I just stood there crying silently.

“As much as I want what you want, it’s too much of a risk. I didn’t want to see it before but I saw it the night in the cave. We can’t be together,” Dean said softly and turned around to face me. It looked like he wanted to cry but was trying his hardest not to.

“Dean it doesn’t matter. I’ve done enough damage with you to never be fully safe again and I don’t care. I love you,” I breathed and waited for him to do or say anything.

Without a second later Dean grabbed my face with both of his strong hands and kissed me. It was a kiss of sadness and of love. The two of us knew being together was asking for trouble but we didn’t care. If the evil in this world wanted us apart they were going to have to try a hell of a lot harder than they thought.

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