Cooler Than Me (A Danny Jones oneshot)

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Cooler Than Me

Two words. Danny. Jones.

Is your heart already racing? Cause mine is. Honestly I just wanted to talk to him. To get enough guts to say, “Hi.” But nope. Not me. What was the matter with me? He’s a guy…A very attractive guy…With an amazing voice…And an amazing body…and- Ok maybe I’ll just get to the point. Aloha (no I’m not a Hawaiian, I just like the saying), my name is Naomi Davidson and this is my story.


“Naomi can you get the bigger lens from the back table?” My boss asked me. I nodded and scrambled to the back to retrieve it for the camera.

The thing is I’m an assistant to a major photographer in London. Today we were going to shoot none other than Danny Jones from McFly by himself for some interview and I was just about pissing myself. We’ve worked with McFly before but I was always too shy to say anything to him at all except, “Excuse me.” LAME. I KNOW. But can you blame me? Really? Be honest!

For some stupid reason I didn’t do my laundry the night before and all I had to wear was some yoga pants, and a big sweater with a cat face on it. Could the world just swallow me whole? It would spare me the humiliation and we could all go home happy.

“Hey Danny, come right in!” My boss said happily and I froze. Danny Jones was about eight feet away from me.

“Hey Josie! How you doin’?” He responded happily like they were old friends.

Hey Danny! How are you? Wow you look amazing! Would you like to go out with me sometime?

That would be the conversation in my head of how things would go if I could just make enough sound come out and stop being such a chicken.

I sighed and turned around to give my boss the lens. Danny looked my way and gave a little chuckle after looking at my cat sweater. Yep, I for sure wanted to die.

“H-h-h-” I stuttered trying to say ‘hi’ but nothing came out except the scarlet blush spreading across my face like wildfire.

“Ok Danny here we go!”


After the shoot I thought I might redeem myself and say something to the blue eyed angel.

“Ok Naomi you can do this! He’s amazing, you’re amazing, so lets be amazing!” I pepped talked myself and sucked in a big breath before letting it out.

Alright, act cool. You got this. You got this. He’ll look into your eyes, the both of us will sigh, and I’ll just ask him out. Simple enough.

Like a cool cat I made my way over to Danny. It looked like he was texting on his iPhone. How can someone look sexy by doing that? How?!

I thought I’d reach my hand out and tap him lightly on the arm to get his attention. It seemed like a simple enough gesture. Not too clingy and not too shy. While I extended my arm ready to touch the light cotton of his hoodie I saw out of the corner of my eye the door to the closet was open. Someone should definitely close that, I thought.

Why my thought had to come at that moment to distract me long enough (the split second of stupidity) for a bubbly fake tanned blonde to come bouncing next to me, causing me to fall into the closet and grab the handle sending the door to close after me. Out of sheer disbelief I sat on the floor sprawled in shock.

Did that really just happen?

Yes it did, my conscious laughed at me.

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