His hands traveled up to his face. That was what he was most worried about. He was scared that someone would notice his female features and raise a scene. That was the last thing he needed. All he wanted to do was whatever a normal boy would do.

He spent some more time looking at himself, touching and prodding at some parts of his face he thought stuck out. His cheekbones were a little too high, his eyes a little too wide.

He let out a deep breath and stepped away from the mirror. He was ready. He was going to do this. No one would notice that he's not cisgender. He was ready. He strode over to the door and pulled it open.

Ryan and Brendon were waiting for him outside of the bathroom, grins on both of their faces. Frank hesitantly smiled back before making his way over to the two of them.

"You're doing great," Brendon whispered encouragingly. He squeezed Frank's shoulder.

"Do you want to go to the food court?" Ryan asked. "It's nearly six."

Frank nodded. "Sure."

All three boys walked through the mall, which was pretty much empty since the holidays were over. The few people that passed them didn't do more than glance at Frank. He smiled to himself and walked with more confidence. It wasn't until they reached the food court when he froze.

Ryan stopped as well. "What's wrong?"

Frank didn't know how to explain. "There's... people," he said finally.

Brendon let out a short laugh. "Well, yeah, it's a mall. There's going to be people."

"No, but... there's a lot."

Ryan shot Brendon a look. "It's okay. We'll eat somewhere less crowded."

Frank took a deep breath. "Alright."

Unfortunately, the only fast food place that was mostly empty was Jimmy John's, which all of them hated. There were only three people in the restaurant's area, and yet Frank was still nervous.

"I'll go order," Brendon said when they found a table away from everyone. "Just water, right?"

"No, I'll go," Frank piped up.

Brendon stared at him. "You sure? Someone might–"

"I'll be fine," Frank interrupted. "It's better to start now, right?"

Neither of them said anything. With a huff of annoyance, Frank strode over to to the take-out line.

"Hi, what can I get you?" The lady at the counter asked sweetly.

Frank brightened up inside. The lady was actually accepting him. "Three bottles of water, please."

She slid the water over to him. "Alright, your total will be–" she suddenly froze. Her eyes scanned his body, taking him in. Just like that, realization hit her. She stepped back, and expression of– not surprise, not confusion– but disgust on her face.

Frank felt like he was going to vomit. "There you go," he muttered, throwing her a ten dollar bill. He grabbed the three waters and half-walked, half-ran to Ryan and Brendon.

The Wrong Body [Frerard AU]Where stories live. Discover now