Chapter Thirteen- Potential Secret Enemy

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What is supposed to be a night of studying and doing school works at my house turns out to be an investigation, slash, conference meeting with Red, April, Karter, and I.

We are currently gathered at our dining table, just finished eating our meals and cleaning up the mess. We are alone, since mom is tutoring Leo in his room upstairs, and dad is in his study, doing his, what we always joke as, homework, so we have the opportunity to discuss freely what happened with me earlier that night.

At the center of the table lies the now spider-free, deformed chocolate box. The said chocolates are still there because no one dared try to eat it or throw it away because maybe they contain clues. The paper with the IT'S ON BITCH is also on the table, making me furious each time I look at it—which is, for the record, all the time. My hands are itching to do something to whoever did that. However, that's the problem, none of us still has any clue to who it is.

"It's a Belgian Seashells chocolates," Red starts, "who do we know who always buys this kind of chocolates?"

"Me." I say.

"Okay, except you." Red rephrases, and everyone on the table looks like they're in deep thinking. It almost makes me so touched at the fact that they would really care about this, but my raging feeling towards whoever sent this threat is hindering me to actually feel anything other than anger.

"I got nothing," says Karter, and after a few seconds, the rest of them agree. "You must have really pissed this person to make her—or him—do something like this."

"What! I've been a good girl." I say in defense as I cross my arms over my chest. I see them make a face, and, of course, they know me too well not to believe that.

"Maybe it was Albie," says April. "Remember when you deflated his tires?"

"Or Aria. You spray painted her car," helps Red.

"And let's not forget Marc Skye and Lyna, your latest victims," adds Karter helpfully. Now that they have pointed it out, it feels weird to know I have done all those things to them—getting revenge, that is. However, they clearly deserved it so I don't understand how they would also want to get back at me.

"Excuse me, only Marc Skye. I didn't do anything with Lyna," I answer, matter-of-factly.

"So, it's Marc?" Red asks hesitantly. "Because I don't think Aria would do it since we're kind of getting friendlier now? it's amazing how a new school could change her."

"I also really don't think Albie would do it because it's been over a year, K."

"Unless his revenge really takes over a year to plan, and now he's starting it," says Red, accusatorily.

"Wow, that is so stupid," reacts April. "If it's for your convenience, fine, I'll message him on Facebook." She stands and goes to the living room to get her phone. While she is still there, Red sighs, and says he'll also call Aria. He gets up and goes outside just as April comes back, fiddling on her phone.

"Aren't you gonna do anything about Marc?" I ask Karter who is looking so sly in his position across me.

"I'm not gonna call him, if that's what you are implying."

"Oh come on! Help your sister out, will you?" I beg. "Just tell your friend—the guy who called me while your ass is in trouble—to call Marc, and I don't know, subtly ask him about any of this?"

"You mean, Max?"

"Whatever his name is." He gives me a look of disapproval, but then groans, makes a scene of getting his phone out of his pocket, and calls Max. I smile widely in amusement and gratefulness.

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