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One. Two. Three.

I was running late and it's a busy day at Byun Corporations as usual. Why did I forget to set the alarm last night? I was so tired that when I got home, I just went straight to bed.

I was lucky that I got in the company. Thanks to my bestfriend, I managed to get in and pass the interview in a jiffy. Life is really unpredictable.

I got out of the cab and went inside the building. I was greeted by the security guard and I greeted him back.

"Morning, Ms. Lee!"

"Morning Mr. Choi! It's a nice day today!"

The guard laughed. Of course, it wouldn't be all nice today. It would be full of stress and paper works.

I went to my desk and grabbed all the files. I switched on the computer and looked over my schedule while it's turning on. A lot of investors would visit the company today and we needed to prepare the entourage.

I am a receptionist at the company. My bestfriend insisted that I should be a secretary because of an offer but I refused. Passing the interview is enough and being a secretary was too much for me to handle. Besides, a receptionist was stressful as well.

The door opened and I lifted up my head. I stood and put up my big smile—even if he wouldn't spare me a glance.

"Good Morning, Mr. Byun. Have a great day!"

Mr. Byun Baekhyun, the eligible bachelor and young CEO of Byun Corporations, entered the building. He didn't notice me and just went ahead. He was talking to his mobile phone and he seemed problematic. I shrugged it off and went to face the papers.

"Good Morning Haneul!"

I jumped off in shock. This girl would be the death of me. I heard her chuckle and I just shook my head.

"Don't give me a heart attack, Jeongmin." I joked. "I'm too young to die. I haven't even kissed anyone yet."

Jeongmin laughed, "Well, you should consider my brother's intention for you." She smirked at me playfully. "I'm willing to set both of you on a date."

I frowned. "Please." I checked the papers and gave it to her. "give this to Mr. Do when he arrives okay?"

She nodded, "Okay. But don't change the topic!" She wagged her finger on me. "Why don't you want to date my brother?"

"Because..." I sighed, "Suho-ssi is too much for me." I closed one folder and faced my bestfriend. "I can't possibly date the next heir of Kim Industries."

Jeongmin snorted, "Just treat him like me." She rolled her eyes and went to sit on my desk. "I'm just a secretary and not the sister of the heir of Kim Industries. It'll be alright, besides I don't want you to die a virgin."

I covered her loud mouth, "Don't talk as if my virginity is a big joke." I let go of her and slumped back at my seat. "I'm saving it for someone who will be with me forever."

She laughed, "Forever? There's nothing like forever, Haneul." She shook my shoulders, "That's why you should get a boyfriend as soon as possible!"

It's my turn to snort, "It didn't mean that if you're dating your boss, you should brag it on my face." She gulped and I chuckled, "Is Mr. Do that good that you're forcing me to get laid already?"

She pinked at what I've said. "Y-yah! Shut it!" She stuck her tongue out on me and walked away. "I'll see you later for coffee okay?"

OH MY BABY?! (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora