"Where is Hobbs." I asked cooly, my voice devoid of all emotion.

"I'm right 'ere," Hobbs suddenly appeared beside Circe and I noticed he was staying a careful distance away from her.

I tilted my head towards Circe. "Care to explain?"

Hobbs scratched his head. "Well we found out what the whiteness be Cap'n, it's an ocean o' lilies, they're just everywhere an' go on fer miles."

"Faaige Mhor ear en' dar un Lile Ngleanntan," I breathed, my eyes narrowing into golden slits. "We are close then."

"Close to what?"

I turned to find Lacey's inquisitive face peering up at me.

"Nothing." I snapped.

"Okay, calm your pants, I was just asking!" She rolled her eyes and I bit back a growl. Leonardo mouthed an apology at me from the other side of the deck and I nodded curtly as Lacy made her way over to wear Cobalt was standing.

"Circe!" She squeaked in that annoyingly high voice of hers. "Circe! Hi!"

Circe laughed and I closed my eyes, letting the sound wash over me and fill me with pleasure. 

"Circe, can I come in now?"

"Lacy I don't think--" Leonardo had started forwards but Circe spoke before he could reach her. 

"I don't see why not, the water is warm and fresh, can she come in?" I watched as Circe turned her big blue eyes on Hobbs and pouted slightly, thanking my lucky stars that she wasn't using that face on me. 

Hobbs chuckled. "I'm sure it won't be doing 'er any 'arm. It might even be good fer her."

Lacy squealed with excitement and started stripping off without a second thought. Everyone burst out laughing at her eagerness while I rolled my eyes and turned my face away until I heard a splash. 

"Hi Circe!"

"Hello Lacy," Came the amused reply.

"Wow, the water is really warm!"

I turned back around, leaning my elbows on the rail and resting my chin on my hands as I watched the two girls play.

"You going to tell me why she's glowing?" I muttered to Hobbs who had swum up to the side of the ship so that he was positioned below me. He stayed afloat easily in the water, watching girls as I was, but I knew he was also looking out for any danger. 

"The lilies, they be natural energy sources it seems. She touched one an' that's what 'appened. She suggested that it might 'ave 'ad somethin' ta do wiv the pendant, but I don't be knowin' what ta think ta be honest. Never seen anything like it."

I rubbed my jaw thoughtfully. "So obviously she took in too much energy and the excess is causing the glow in her hair and her eyes?"

Hobbs nodded. "I touched 'er arm ta see if it would flow from her ta me but all I got was a bloody great burn on my 'and."

I snickered but then sobered, lifting my pendant away from my chest. "Do you think ...?"

Hobbsons eyes gleamed. "I'm not sure ta be honest, you would 'av ta be testin' it out yerself."

I snorted. "I don't feel like swimming at the moment thankyou. So are we going to be able to get through?" I questioned, referring to our flowery obstacle.

Hobbs nodded. "I don't think that the lilies will be the problem Cap'n, but we passed over a reef on our way there and it's  quite 'igh. We should be able ta make it, but we might 'av ta go over on the oars."

A Pirate's Kiss  (Wattys Winner 2011)Where stories live. Discover now