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Yoongi shook his head as he looked over the words that he had Jimin spell on a sheet of paper.

"Wrong.. Wrong.. Wrong.."

Yoongi quickly smacked the back of Jimin's head, causing the younger to yelp.

"Man, your dancing better make up for your spelling." Yoongi crumbled up the paper and thought for a second, looking around the classroom.

"If I'm going to help you, we need to set up a schedule and a place to study." Jimin watched Yoongi, completely surprised with how responsible and organized Yoongi seemed.

"Well.. I go to dance practice after school, maybe we can study there?" Jimin kept fiddling with his thumbs underneath the desk and biting the inside of his bottom lip, a bad habit he had.

"Won't people be there though, like, dancing or something?" Yoongi didn't grasp how studying in a room with a bunch of dancing bodies would make it easy.

"Oh, I'm the only one that dances there.. One of my friends lets me use the room by myself at a certain time.." Yoongi looked at Jimin, surprised that the kid even had friends.

The whole time that Yoongi went to school with Jimin, Yoongi definitely noticed how secluded the boy was. Yoongi knew Jimin existed, but he's almost positive that Jimin didn't even know Yoongi existed.

"Oh, a boyfriend or something?" Yoongi scoffed at his own question and looked at the books on his desk, avoiding eye contact.

Jimin gave Yoongi a confused look, shaking his head, "No, me and Hoseok are just friends. He's got a boyfriend anyways.."

Yoongi looked up at Jimin, slightly relieved but he didn't know why. Probably because he didn't have to worry about someone accusing Yoongi of moving in on Jimin.. Yeah, that's why he was relieved.

"I guess we could go there and study, your friend or whatever wouldn't mind if I was there?" Yoongi watched the teacher walk into the classroom, signaling that language class was about to begin.

"No, he wouldn't mind. It's not like we're doing anything bad.." Jimin's face flushed and he regretted the words that just came out. He didn't mean for it to sound like that.

"Well, I was hoping to graffiti the walls you know."

Jimin looked at Yoongi, all he could see was a gummy smile plastered on the older boys face. The sight made Jimin blush slightly and look away from Yoongi.

Yoongi notices and slightly chuckled to himself before grabbing a sheet of paper, "okay, I'll think of some words to practice with today."

Jimin watched Yoongi write down a bunch of words before he had a thought pop into his head.

"Hey.. Yoongi?"

Yoongi hummed a 'what' before he looked up from his paper to meet Jimin's eyes.

"Why do you care about spelling so much?" Yoongi just looked at Jimin a couple of seconds before making a coherent thoughts to give Jimin.

"It's because I rap."


Short like my temper.

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