Chapter 10

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I was curled up on the couch with a mug of coffee and a photo album. I looked through photos of me and jay playing and laughing and relived each memory in my mind. I shivered and pulled my purple and blue stripped sweater over my head. And sipped my coffee. Suddenly the door bell rang. The boys had come back to our hotel room with us this morning so I let Louis get the door for me. I heard loud talk and suddenly an angry looking woman with light brown hair and piercing green eyes stood over me.

"Ashley McKinley?" she asked.

"Yes? Who are you?" I replied standing up.

"I am Brittany Shepard. Do you know a Mr. Jay O'Connor?" she asked harshly.

"Yes, why?" I asked, confused.

"He hit my husbands car!! Our brand new car!" she cried clomping her heel on the ground.

"That was a brand new, very expensive Cadillac!" she continued. Now being that I was just so emotionally drained right now I was not in the mood for random rich lady's yelling at me at 8 in the morning in my hotel living room!

"Well what would you like me to do about it!?" I snapped back.

"Make him pay for it! It's totalled I want him to buy me a brand new car!" she yelled putting her face right in front of mine.

"Well that's not going to happen!" I yelled pushing her out of my face.

"Oh really?!" she shrieked.

"Yes really!" I yelled. "And would you like to know why?! Because he's dead!!!!" I screamed. A tear ran down my face.

"I don't care! I want my money!" she said loudly flicking her hair out of her face.

"Well your gonna have to get your damn money somewhere else!" I screamed.

"Because of your husband and his 'brand new, very expensive Cadillac' my best friend is dead! So don't give me any crap about your car." I yelled. "He may have ruined your car but you ruined his life, and mine" I finished. Tears poured down my face as Louis shoved the lady out the door. I ran to my room and collapsed on to the bed.  

"Hey, you ok?" Harry asked as he wrapped him arms around me. I smiled lightly as just being with him made me feel better.

"Yea, I'm ok" I sighed looking up in to his green eyes. He slowly lowered his head and kissed me. Fireworks shot off and their were birds and floating hearts and, well maybe not, but you know what I mean. There I was crying over my best friends death and kissing Harry Styles. Not complaining though, not at all. He pulled away and blushed.

"I'm sorry" he started looking away.

"Hey" I smiled, pulling his head back, "it's ok, I needed that" I smiled and rested my head on his chest.

Harry's POV.

I bobbed my head to P!nk's new song True Love when I herd loud yelling noises. I quickly shut off the radio and walked to the living room.

"Because of your husband and his 'brand new, very expensive Cadillac' my best friend is dead! So don't give me any crap about your car." Ashley yelled. "He may have ruined your car but you ruined his life, and mine" She cried. Tears poured down her face as Louis shoved a very angry and shocked looking lady out the door. Ashley ran towards her room and I followed.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked as I sat down beside her pulling her into a hug.

"Yea, I'm fine" she said sniffing. She looked up at me her mouth turned in to a small smile. Suddenly I just leaned down and kissed her. She smiled as she kissed me back and for a second everything was perfect. Then I realised that I should be comforting her over Jay's death not kissing her. I pulled away an blushed, turning my face away from her.

"Sorry" I whispered. Her soft fingers pulled my head back slowly as she shook her head and smiles at me.

"Hey, it's ok, I needed that" She said. I smiled and rested my head on the head board, content to lay there forever.

(A/N) Hey I know that chapter was kinda crappy. I typed it on my Ipod so I'm sorry for any mistakes. School started a few weeks ago so my updates might be slower. If that's possible. :) lol anywho I try to write in study hall or at night but I usually have homework to do so I do write its just the editing and actually publishing that takes a bit.

Ok so question of the day: would you have flipped out on miss Brittany, the rich lady, like Ashley did or would you have had another approach? (I probably would've thrown my coffee on her lol)

This chapter is dedicated to my little sis, (not really), Allie! :) Love u girl!

Ok so comment, vote, and fan!!! Love you guys! :) Byeee!!

- Ashley

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