Chapter 4

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(A/N)   *** Hey guys, I am so sorry! I have been so busy. But chapter 4 is up!  This chapter is dedicated to Lauren_Payne_1 who was my first follower. Love ya. :)***

Ashley's POV

I yawned and stretched. These hotel beds are surprisingly comfy. I rolled over and looked at the clock. It's was 10:47am and I was hungry. I walked over to Lill's bed and shook her. She didn't move. I did the same with Caity and got the same result. Ok, this was going to be harder than I planned. 

Suddenly I got an idea, I jumped up on to my bed and screamed "Omg look its One Direction!!" 

Lilly and Caity both jumped up screaming "Where, where are they?!?!?!" 

I busted up laughing and Lilly shot me a look. 

"What? You guys wouldn't get up!" I said smiling as Caity smacked me with a pillow. 

"You interrupted my dream about Niall!!" she yelled. 

I laughed. "Well you will get to see him again, for real at the concert tonight." I replied poking her nose. 

She jumped up and started singing some thing random. Barney I think. 

"Let's go to breakfast" Lilly said and we all nodded and went to get ready.

Lilly's POV

I plugged my iPod in to my dock and started playing Up All Night. We all started singing as we got dressed. It was pretty funny, we were all in different places in the room, doing different thing. And singing the same song. Every time we walked by each other we would make weird faces. Yes, we are strange, but that's how we like it. We went to Starbucks and got muffins and coffee. And then went back to the hotel. 

"Do you think they'll remember us?" Ashley asked me. 

"Well sure, I mean we just met them last night!" I replied. She laughed and nodded. 

"I'm gonna shower now so don't kill any thing ok?" Ash said smiling at me. 

"Yes ma'm" I said and she laughed.

We all sat on our beds waiting quite impatiently. We were ready for the concert but we didn't have to leave for another 20 minutes. I looked over at Caity and Ashley as they looked at pictures of the boys. Caity had on black skinny jeans and a blue pikachu shirt. Ashley had on jeans and a black tank top with 1D on the front. I had a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and my pink One Direction shirt on. 

"Ugh! Let's just go already!" Caity cried. Ashley nodded and pulled her hair up in to a pony tail. 

"Ok, let's go" I said. This will be fun.

Ashley's POV

Our tickets were for right up front so we could see the boys wonderfully! It was amazing but I think I'm deaf now, I never thought humans could scream that loud. Oh well, the boys were about to pick the winners of the back stage passes. 

Harry picked up his mic and smiled saying, 

"The winners are..... the lucky people in seats 125, 126, and 127!" he cried. 

I looked back at my seat, 126. What, oh my gosh!!!! I looked at Caity and Lilly and started laughing and screaming. 

"It's us! It's really us!!" I cried and they both hugged me. 

The boys sang a few more songs and then the concert was over. We were led by two guards into a back room. It had two red couches and a large mirror on one wall. And giant plants in the corners. 

"The boys will be with you in about 10 minutes" the guard said as he left. I smiled as we all jumped up to fix our hair. 

"I can't believe this!" Caity cried laughing and shaking her head. 

"I know!" Lilly replied "I mean I hoped but I never really expected it to be us!" 

"I wonder what they'll do if they remember us?" I asked looking at the girls as we settled on the couch. 

Suddenly the door flew open and Louis came running in. When he saw us he stopped and the other boys plowed him over. I couldn't help but laugh as they all fell in a pile on the floor. 

"Well maybe that" Lilly answered giggling. 

"Are you all ok?" I asked as they all got up. 

"Peachy" Zayn mumbled as he stood up. 

He smiled when he saw me and walked over. I went to tell Lilly something but found I was alone. Lilly was already talking to Liam and Caity and Niall were discussing ice cream flavours. 

"Hey! I didn't know you guys were coming!" Zayn said still smiling. 

"Yea, well here we are!" I replied. 

"Hey Ashley!" I heard a voice say. I turned around to find Harry standing behind me. 

"Hi" I replied, pretty impressed he even remember who I was, let alone my name. 

We all sat around and talked about everything for a long time until management told us we had to leave. 

"Already?!" Harry said looking sad. 

"Why don't you guys just come back to our flat with us?" Louis asked. 

I was shocked and looked at the girls and raised my eyebrows questioningly. They both nodded and I smiled at Louis. 

"We'd love to!" I said, happy with the prospect of spending more time with them.

(A/N)   *** Ok another chapter done!! Kinda boring but next chapter will be better, promise!! :) Vote, comment, fan!! Thanks***

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