Chapter 20: Life&Death

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Naomi's p.o.v
I was once fast asleep in the same tent as my idol, but I awoke to some rustling in the bushes. I checked if Hex was alert, but she was still in the same position she fell asleep in. No movement whatsoever was evident on the ground she was lying on. Her body rose and fell in a gentle pattern, no noise was made from the fire woman. I felt bad that she had me sleep in the cot provided for her, but she insisted and caught fire with the frustration I caused her.
I don't mean to irritate her. If I'm a burden I'll stop being around her, but she has always stated that it's not my fault. Every time I ask her she says something on the terms of "it's my short fuse," or "I just need to remember how to get along with people again...if there ever was a time."
I lay my head against the soft pillow and drift into slumber.
I awoke to a loud crash followed by the screams of my friends. I look towards Hex, who at this time was fully awake and on her feet. I could sense nothing from her. She was tense though. I watched as her once normal eyes started glowing. Her whole look somewhat changed. It was somewhat scary yet, I felt protected.
"WHERE IS SHE?" Yelled someone from outside. I recognized it immediately. As soon as I rose from my bed two wither skeleton guards burst into the tent and grabbed ahold of me. I screamed, kicked, I did my best to break free. I couldn't hurt skeletons! They feel no pain. All I managed to do was kick loose a few ribs or kick off a few bones.
"Let her go! It's me you want," spoke hex as she calmly walked up to the guards. They didn't let go. Instead they taunted her. They would place their swords against my cheek and slice my flesh. They would pinch me with their bones, They'd pull my hair.
"Look ill tell you one more time. Let her go," Hex was looking towards the ground with her hands balled into fists.
"Or wha-" the guard didn't even have a chance to speak before Hex's fist connected with his cranium, smashing it to bits upon impact.
The guard's body dropped to the ground without movement. She killed him. The other guard let me go in an attempt to attack her.
Sword drawn, he ran at her, but in a split second Hex had his sword and jammed it through his head. He dropped down just like the first. Not moving, dead and quiet.
Hex grabbed me and held me close. My face was dripping red from the fresh slice, but that didn't stop her. Instead she licked the wound and I couldn't feel pain. I gently grazed my fingers over my cheek and where there should've been a gash, there was smooth skin, no wound or scar. As soon as she let me go my mother teleported in, wrapped her arms around me, and teleported out. We were in the middle of the camp. I heard choking as I looked up and caught a glimpse of my mother's neck in the palm of my father's hand.
There was chaos all around. The once peaceful camp was ambushed by nether army. How did they find us?
Hex burst out of the tent and looked around for me. She was worried. Her gaze went from worried to blank and soulless in a second. She caught a glimpse of my father and slowly made her way over. She was furious as she would kill any enemy in her path. A wither skeleton would jump at her, she'd punch it's skull into bits or send its sword through its head. If a zombie pig man was to attack her, she'd shove her hands through him and literally rip him in half or kill him in some other gruesome way. If a ghast was preparing to barf a fireball at her she'd shoot one out of the palm of her hand into its mouth and it would scream until it burned to death from the inside out. She was staring at us the entire time, not once did she break the murderous stare she gave my father.
His army was dying off fast. They gave up on attacking the camp and went straight for Hex, but all failed in their attempt to protect their king. The army was gone within minutes. All that stood was Hex's army and her closest friends. Levi had bow draw, Tobi had his sword equally bloodied, only one we couldn't find was Zekel.
    Hex was now standing in front of my dad, face to face, she looked down at the man and looked into his eyes. He smiled and threw my mother and I to the side.
"After so many years, it's nice to meet you again," he was looking up at her, being as cocky as ever.
"Cut the bull shit. You came here to kill me so you can reassure your hold on the throne. Everything has changed within these years and I'm not up to here any crap," her hands were clenched into fists again and she started gritting her teeth.
"Oh, well I see you've met my loving family. But hmm...where is yours? Where is that loving fiancé? Oh yeah, the wedding was destroyed."
Hex grew furious and caught flame.
"Don't play with my emotions," she said as her flames flickered.
"The messed up part is you are completely oblivious to the truth behind it all. The truth is it was all planned. We ruined your life. Vilkas and I, killed your happiness. We are the rulers of the new age and all we had to do was kill your wife." Hex went ballistic after that.
   Her flames roared high above her, engulfing her entire body. Her eyes were full on serpentine, her hair became fire itself, a long devil like tail stretched from her spine and whipped behind her, her teeth became razor sharp fangs and I couldn't even explain. Her whole soul changed. A whole different smell emerged from her. She wasn't Ender, she looked like she was a whole different creature.
My father laughed, "yes! Burn! Unleash your potential!" He took a necklace with and Ender eye and smashed it. Black chains enveloped their way around her, tying her to the dirt.
My dad grabbed a gun and aimed it directly at my mother.
"You can do nothing," he fired as the bullet pierced through her head," you are weak," Tobi ran to my father, sword prepared. He aimed at Tobi and just as my mother....he dropped after a shot,"you are nothing but show!" Levi was preparing to launch arrows. He fired at Levi and just like the first two, he dropped.
My dad looked into Hex's eyes the entire time, watching as she went berserk. She kept getting angrier and angrier. Her flames almost engulfed us as she changed. Her voice were a series of roars. Her tongue was long and serpentine. Her caramel skin became dark as obsidian and two wings of purple fire grew from her back.
She wasn't Hex anymore. She was completely gone.
"You know what Hex," he aimed the gun at me," you are the reason they all had to die." I heard a gunshot and closed my eyes tight.
I heard the sound of blood dripping as I opened my eyes. I couldn't help but cry. Hex had broken free of her chains and stood in front of me, hugging me with her flame. The bullet had made its way int her, but not completely.
She stared at my dad and cracked her neck.
He beckoned her with a gesture and smiled. I closed my eyes when I saw Hex leap for my father. I heard the sound of something piercing flesh.
Hex, in an attempt to kill my dad, impaled herself on his sword. Her roar was of agony as her flames started dying down. My soul felt pain as she slowly began dying. My dad twisted the sword and watched as she coughed up black blood.
Hex fell limp on his sword as he threw it to the side.
"This, my only daughter," he walked towards me," is why you don't side with the enemy. You should've been like your brother and told as soon as you knew she was here." He knelt down and grabbed ahold of my hair and lifted me into the air. I screamed. He aimed the gun at my head and was smiling.
A sword pierced him through his back all the way down to the helm. My dad dropped me as the amount of heat he gave off grew cold. Hex's flame violently burst into life. She had a crazy stare and a maniac grin. Her wound slowly healed before my eyes, organs, blood vessels, muscle, tissue, everything regrew.
"You should never turn your back on me. Especially after over a decade of hell." She torn the sword down a bit and twisted it.
My father dropped to the ground and coughed up blood that burned into the dirt around him. He slowly died in pain as the sword soaked in Hex's blood penetrated into his body as if the blood attempted to suck the life out of him.
He would scream as the it seeped into him, his body violently twitching, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, he screamed until his blood became black and he stopped moving. He was dead after almost ten minutes of agony. I was still crying, everyone I knew and loved was dead. Zekel stepped forward out of some bushes and placed his hand in my shoulder. I grew furious and elbowed him hard in the gut.
"What is wrong with you?! Why did you tell him she was here?!"
Zekel took some steps back as I repeatedly punched him.
"I didn't know he would do this. He said-"
"Dad lies, dad is tricky, dad is just a plain bad guy. Well was...and you- you," tears welled up in my eyes. Hex placed a hand on my shoulder and walked over to my mother. She kneeled down beside her and was silent. Hex cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered something into the palm of hands. I could see the purple flames from her words eventually lick it's way out of the crevices of her fingers. She cupped her hands and rubbed them together like someone trying to keep warm in the winter.
Her hands glowed as she touched my mother's forehead and chest before getting up and walking away. Hex went on the Tobi as my mother burst back to life, wound completely vanished as if it never was. I leaped into my mother's arms and cried. Hex did the same to Levi as Tobi took a breath of life and Levi joined the living. I was so happy everyone was still alive.
"Hex how did you?"
"Best if you did not ask," hex brushed her hair out the way and dusted off her blood soaked white beater.
Hex walked up to Zekel and stared down at him as he tripped over his own feet.
"I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. I was just afraid of what would happen. I never knew that once I told dad of your whereabouts that he'd do this." Tobi stepped forward,"you told him? I have enough mind to exile you," hex stopped him from advancing. Levi stepped forward," so what's his punishment Hex?" Hex thought for a second as my brother begged.
"Please don't hurt me Hex. Please don't kill me, don't take my soul, please anything but her."
Hex rubbed her chin in thought.
"I think I'll let your mother handle this. You know since she is your mother."  Mom approached the boy with a glare I've never seen before and placed a hand on his shoulder before teleporting away.
     Hex walked away and sat on a chair, or on what was once a tree. Levi walked over to her and I followed behind.
"Is it true? Susan is dead?" She asked. An aura of sadness filled everyone's hearts. Before we could say a word we were ambushed by an army of soldiers from the snow kingdom.
"NO ONE MOVE." The men all wore helmets that looked as if they were from the Halo game series. Hex's ears and mood perked to the sound of the man's voice and stood abruptly.
"Savion? Is that you?" The leader of the five man army dropped his gun when he caught a glimpse of Hex.
"Big sis?"

The Next Ender Dragon book II: Accepting ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now