Chapter 15: The End?

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Susan's p.o.v
It's the day! It's finally arrived! I can't believe she actually did it. I still remember it as if it was yesterday.
The anxiety build up in my chest as I waited for her to come through the kingdom gates. The deep sadness as depression set in when Vilkas returned and she didn' heart sank at that thought.

"Susan, darling relax. Whatever is on your mind at the moment can wait. We're trying to help you get dressed," spoke Danté as he tightened the dress. I felt as if my breasts were being restrained and my body? The life was being forced out through the seams.
Natalie walked in the dressing room with a short black dress that almost came down to her knees. It had a purple satin sash that wrapped around her waist. She spun and twirled like a ballerina just to show that the bottom half of the dress lifted and flowed in the air beautifully. In the back she had the sash tied in a bow and her dress revealed her back.
She stopped spinning and faced me with a gentle smile. Her makeup was stunning yet simple. She didn't do much, but she didn't need to. Her hair was long and curled, it reminded me almost of Hex's when she steps out the shower.

"Woah guy, don't you think those are tight enough? You're gonna kill the girl before her groom gets to suck the life out of her," she laughed and walked up to me, swaying her hips. She was flaunting it, but doing it playfully.

"The dress is meant to hug her body," said Danté in an annoyed tone. He hated it when others tried to tell him how to do his job.

"Susan did you pick out this dress?" She looked up at me on my pedestal.
My glance dropped to the ground.

"I actually didn't pick it out. My Dad did. He wanted to be so involved in this and..."

"That sure are glad to have me here. Danté buddy you're on leave. Bye bye," she leaned her weight to one side, winked, and blew a kiss at the frustrated Danté, to which he responded by lifting his chin high in a snotty way and walked out the door.
I looked down at Natalie as she began scoping out my body. Touching me here and there, prodding spots all around. I couldn't move, this dress had me wrapped up tighter than a limited edition action figure owned by a collector.

"Baby, we have to fix this right here," she took one of her newly manicured nails and hooked onto a thread and pulled gently. I could feel the pressure around my breasts release as she tugged. I let out a large exhale.

"Better?" She said as she rubbed her chin as if in deep thought.

"Way better," I smiled as she continued fixing things. My dress was enderman purple with a black sash around the waist and an intricately designed black lace that flowed from the waist down.

"You look beautiful. My Hexy Bear is lucky," she giggled innocently and watched me as I stepped off the pedestal.

"Your Hexy Bear?" I giggled under my breath as I teased the girl.

"Aw shush. I won't call her that anymore after today. She will be your little pet," she smirked.
I called Hex my Pet all the time. And I was her play thing.

"She already is my Pet," I pose in front of the three full body mirrors to check every angle of the dress.

"Well I can tell that you're her little play thing. I've been your friend for a few months now? I can tell by how you walk. Her demon tongue must really do a number on you," she laughed as she caught sight of the instant blush across my face.

"Shut up!" I punch her arm softly.

"I mean she is always talking about how sweet you taste," she smirked at my attempt to hide my face in my hands.

"I'm just kidding, though she does have a knack for your blood. Better watch out next time she bites you darling," she started laughing, but stopped as she watched me slowly go for my neck and trace down my collar bone. The old, barley noticeable scars that Hex has left on my body before.

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