Chapter One

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"Sierra, you really should get ready. This parties gonna be super fun! I want you to meet some friends and enjoy yourself. Take a break from all that studying" said Ashley.

She's my roommate. She's also always getting on my case about letting loose and taking a break from studying. This is definitely not what I thought college would be like. I'm trying really hard to succeed in my classes and get my bachelors in science. Which is hard, when your roommate is always encouraging you to go out and party.

After I graduated from high school, I took a year off and worked so I could afford to move out of the province and go to school. I also had to wait a year on the waiting list to get in. There was no way I was gonna risk my chances of getting kicked out by partying all the time. Plus, drinking isn't really my thing. I'm not a party pooper or anything, just I don't handle liquor well. Girls look so trashy when they can't walk straight and they're falling all over guys.

We were 3 months into the semester. I hadn't been home to visit my family or friends yet and I missed them a lot. I'm sure happy I taught them how to use Skype before I left.

I pulled out my headphones and looked up. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 8pm. Wouldn't you rather be doing something else on your Friday night?" She smiled. "Here try this on". She threw a bundle of fabric at me.

I held it up. "Is this a shirt?"

"No silly, it's a black dress! Try it on"

"I don't think this is enough fabric to even count as a dress" I joked.

I stood up and changed into the dress. It was tight, and extremely short.

"Oh my gosh! You look so hot in that dress! Look in the mirror"

I walked to the mirror. She was right. I looked hot. I did a 360 in the mirror, checking out every angle. As much as Ashley annoys me sometimes, I'm glad we're roommates.

"Okay fine. But I should probably put some makeup on first" I said.

"Take your time, the party hasn't even started yet"

Great, I thought. It's gonna be a long night.

Ashley's ex boyfriend drove us to the party. She still hangouts with him even though they're broken up. I mean, I'm not complaining cause he drives us places.

The music was blaring and I could already smell the booze when we arrived. Ashley knows how much I hate frat parties like these.

"Ooh, I didn't realize this was a frat style party" she says lowly under her breath.

"It's okay, let's go have a good time!" I said, deciding not to care.

"Yes! Thanks for driving us Jake" she says and turns to kiss him on the cheek. He doesn't even flinch.

We walk up the front towards the house.

"I thought you two were broke up" I whisper.

"We are" she said.

I decided not to comment and we went inside. We went right to get something to drink. When I do drink, I don't usually drink fruity coolers. I like hard liquor instead. People were lining up to take body shots. I frowned and went into the living room to find Ashley. It was hard to see through all the crowds. It was so warm in here as well. I could feel myself starting to sweat.

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