Paper Hearts

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2 weeks later

" Tae I don't know what's happening, First Jimin, then ugh I'm going to be sick.." Namjoon's salty tears fled down his cheeks as he held his phone to his ear. His knees were weak, and shaky.

" W-what? what?" Tae's voice cracked. His black hoodie was covering his face as he walked into the drug store. His step father had been gone recently, so Tae had to be the one getting food.

" I..I just saw it on the news. The motel downtown was In flames. They found yoongi in there-"

All Tae could hear was the faint noise of hurling on the other line. He found himself paralyzed in the middle of the store. It was hard enough dealing with Jimin and Hobi's death. Now Yoongi too? It wasn't right.

Tae never really believed in any higher powers- but he always kept an open mind. Although, with all of this happening, there was no chance of believing in anything.

Not even happiness.

Tae's small hands gripped onto one of the shelves in the drug store. He held on tightly as panic ran through him. His breaths were quick and shallow, making his face turn white.

Okay Tae, get in, get out.

He went about the store, grabbing whatever he needed. He paid, and then left.

He choked back sobs while dragging his feet against the ground. He could only think of doing one thing right now.

He wanted to see Namjoon again. They hadn't seen each other since Namjoon confessed, and it seemed too long.

Tae dropped everything off at his house in minute, and in the next, he was running down the sidewalk, going as fast as he could to get to Namjoon.

His legs felt like jello. His hair was a mess and his stomach was empty with hunger. He hadn't thought of eating -or sleeping for that matter in days. All of his friends were...leaving. which only left time to lay in his cold, dark room, contemplating the reasoning behind all of this.

" NAMJOON!" Tae cried while busting into the home. He ran into the living room and saw his mother splattering paint on a canvas.

It made Tae anxious. The colors and the way she made them. They were reds and oranges, which faded into whites and grays. Like a cigarette.

" Oh TaeTae you look awful..." she said in a concerned tone.

Before he could respond, Tae heard footsteps behind him. He turned quickly and saw Namjoon, in tears, looking the same as he did. Pale skin, dark circles, and weak knees.

Without hesitation, the two boys embraced each other. They didn't dare let go as they let tears slip onto each others shoulders.

"'s going to be okay Kim Taehyung." Namjoon tried his best to calm down the younger boy, but he was having trouble with calming himself down as well. Just seeing Tae made him want to sob. It was scary to see him like this. He didn't want Tae to be next.

" C-can we go upstairs?"

Namjoon nodded as he let go, but kept an arm around the boys waist. They went up the steps slowly, not having energy.

They sat on the floor, and just zoned out. They just sat and thought about it. How could this could be happening.

" I wish Yoongi would have come to me." Namjoon said in a tired voice as he wipes his nose on his sleeve, " He usually always did if he was having a problem. But, he really loved hobi. That's all he would talk about. It's crazy what love does, huh?"

Tae cringed at the word. Love. It didn't make sense to him. Hobi's mother didn't ask for money out of love. His step father didn't hit his mother out of love. Namjoon didn't yell at Tae out of love.

Tae snarled, " I can't help but feel like it's my fault."

" What? Tae-"

" No really. I came in, and almost instantly, things went bad. Everything turned to shit as soon as I entered those school doors. All of the bullshit I went through has been leading up to this."

Namjoon's eyebrows were knit together, and his mouth slightly opened in complete shock.

" Seriously Tae? Get over yourself. You think that all of this is happening because you just showed up?! And all the 'bullshit' led up to this? What bullshit? You mean all of the times we spent together? The times when You, Me, Yoongi and Hoseok would just lay around together and laugh for no reason? Yeah Tae. Bullshit."

Tae was shocked at the response, " No..nam-" his voice as getting weary and weak.

" The world doesn't revolve around you. Okay? People are dying. Our friends are dying! And you're calling every thing bullshit." Namjoon sniffs, " confession to you-"

" No Namjoon that wasn't-"

" Bullshit." The older boy hissed while standing up and pacing the room.

" That wasn't! I didn't mean it like that!" Tae was sobbing again.

" Get out, Tae."

" Namjoon-"

" GET OUT!!" He screamed from the top of his lungs. He had never done that before. It scared him. The terror and shock on Tae's face made him regret it. But Namjoon wouldn't let Tae take back what he said.

Tae stood in shock, but then left quickly, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt his phone vibrating, signifying a call. He paid no attention to it though. The phone then started vibrating with every text coming through. But again, Tae didn't dare touch his phone.

He begged and pleaded the sky to let him go back in time, and fix what he had just done. Even though he knew that it was impossible. He couldn't lose Namjoon too...

Although Tae didn't want to, he had to go home and make sure that his mother was okay. Even though his step father isn't there, his mother's health isn't the best.

Tae took his phone out as he got to his front door, and checked the screen.

Jungkook- 3 missed calls

Jungkook- 34 New Messages.

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