The Sky Dragon [3]

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"Macao, Wakaba, Gajeel" Porlyusica whispered. "King Faust says you have no prison duty today."

"What? But he ordered us to guard-"

"..Erza," Macao finished sadly.

The three knights stared at the ground quietly.

"She doesn't really have magic, right?" Gajeel asked.

"Of course not!" the physician said. "That box is a lie."

"I knew it!" Wakaba  said, grinning.

~ ~ ~

"An old woman, huh?" Sting asked. "I like your style."

"Hey, that used a lot of magic," I snapped. "So you better shut your mouth. I needed a disguise to escape the castle."

"Whatever you say, old crone."

"Shut. Up!"

"I think I heard someone!" Natsu announced.

"We have to get into the tomb!" I whispered. "Quickly!"

We slid off of our horses and ran up to the tomb.

"That's a big tomb," Gray commented. I could see the two knights and prince several yards behind us.


"I'm trying!" Sting grumbled, taking out the key. He placed it against the marble and the door slid open.

Don't trust him, Erza. Don't trust him.

I gripped my sword, remembering Porlyusica's words.

All of a sudden, the air filled with green colored gas, creating a burning sensation in the back of my throat. I used my arm to cover my mouth, but Sting wasn't so lucky. He fell to the floor, unconscious.

It's a trap..

I hesitantly peered into the tomb, looking for the egg.

And there it was, perched on top of piece of white stone.

It almost seemed to glow.

I could hear Prince Siegrain and the knights' footsteps approaching me, so I hurried inside.

I ran to the egg, about to grab it when Sting said, "Why do you even want the egg?"

I whirled around and found myself face to face with the blond-haired man. He had his sword drawn.

Yep. Porlyusica was right about him.

"What do you want it for?"

"So I can sell it."

"This is an egg," I snarled. "There's a baby dragon in this thing, and you want to sell it?"

"You can't tame a dragon."

"If you're a dragon lord."

"You might have magic, Erza. But you're no dragon lord."

"I'm the most powerful sorceress Fiore will ever know," I said, repeating what Igneel said.

Sting laughed. "And I'm the handsomest man Fiore will ever know. Come on, Erza. We can both have the egg. You are a beautiful woman. With a baby dragon, we will have enough power to rule all of Fiore."

"Get your filthy hands off that egg," I warned, as he took a step toward the pale blue egg.

I could hear Natsu and Gray outside the tomb, trying to figure out how to get in. The prince was saying something, but I didn't bother listening.

But Sting had already grabbed the egg.

And now the tomb was crumbling, the ceiling and walls were breaking.

It was a trap.

~ ~ ~

"Why?" Faust pleaded. "Why did you lie?"

Porlyusica sat in her cell. "I did not. I have no magic. And you know that."

"See, Father? Lahar is wrong! Porlyusica has worked with us since before I was born!"

"Perhaps Jellal is right. Jellal, go and tell the guards to release Scarlet."

~ ~ ~

I grabbed the egg and managed to blast a hole into the side of the tomb and escape. I looked around for the prince and Natsu and Gray and found them running into the woods.

I needed to get back to the castle and sneak into my prison cell without anyone noticing. 

"O drakon, fthengomai au se kalon su katerkheo deuro!" I yelled, once I was well away from the collapsing tomb.

"I told you once, and I'll say it again. I am not a horse!"

I smiled as I clambered onto Igneel's back. "I know. But I brought you a present this time."

~ ~ ~

"I am so sorry," Jellal said, opening my prison cell. "For the inconvenience."

"No problem," I said. "Could please take these off of me though?" I raised my handcuffed hands.

"Of course."

~ ~ ~

"The dragon egg is destroyed," Siegrain reported. "And so is Mavis's tomb. And the key."

And Sting.

~ ~ ~

"It's not hatching," I observed. "What did I do wrong?"

"You must summon it. By name."

"Summon it? But...I'm not a dragon lord."

"You are strong enough to mimic one, though. And creative enough to name it."

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"O drakon, fthengomai au se kalon su katerkheo deuro!" I yelled. "I command you to rise!"

The small egg hatched and a little white dragon head poked out of the egg.

"Welcome to Fiore, Grandeeney."

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