Prologue (How it started)

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We used to live normally like everybody else having ups and downs in life. All of us have different identities but what if an Otaku (anime fan), A bad girl, A sassy girl, A nerd, bully, and 5 popular singing lads survives this apocalypse? And be a kick ass zombie killers?

Well, this is us now. I'm Alyson, I'm the bad girl. Well, I'll tell you what really happened that night; that night when all of these started.


It's my birthday, I didn't want my house to be a bar so we decided to have a movie marathon instead just me and the two of my friends.

Camille came crawling to us with 5 movies in both of her hands. "So, which one are we going to watch?" She asked having a sly grin on her face.

"All of these are Zombie movies." I sarcastically said."So what?! Just pick one. C'mon!" She hurried me.

While we're in the middle of the movie when the girl was going to blow the zombie's head Kennedi whispered "I don't think I could finish this movie. Its brutal!"

We rolled our eyes and turned the television off. "So what are we going to do?" Camille asked.

A sly grin came to my face as I reached the wireless phone. "Prank calls?" Kennedi asked.

I nodded anxiously. I dialled the first random number, I waited for the person to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" The man said

"How dare you! I thought we had it all? I thought you were really mine! You're a cheater! I hate you!" I yelled and trying not to laugh out loud but Kennedi and Camille were snickering.

"Wait! Jessie! We could work this out! I promise I'll never cheat on you anymore just give me another chance! Please!" The man said

"No. We're OVER." I said and hung up. We stared at each other with awkward silence for 3 seconds until we all burst into laughter.

"Gee, that guy must be really a cheater." Camille said.

"Yeah." I said and rolled at the floor and dialled the second number

"Hello?" I said

"Arrrwarwghhhh. Arehawsawdwaaarrrdshiiingdsarweeer!!!"

"The hell bro?" I said

I hung up the phone and looked at them we all burst into laughter again "That guy must be crazy!" Kennedi said between laughter.

The awkward moment when the lights turned off. "Seriously? What happened? Geez." Camille shrugged. I went to the window to look outside, people are going mad. They were running and going crazy the cars were blocking the road and people were running outside.

"Guys, Vas' Happenin'?" Camille said. Yeah, she's a directioner.

I noticed that there's a smoke coming from the airport. Gosh, crash landing? But why is people running and going crazy? I mean all of them? Wait, there's blood.

"I think we should get out and check what's happening" I suggested. We got out from my apartment just wearing PJ's and a black tank top that's exposing my wings tatoo at the bottom of my back.

Oh, yeah it's MY apartment. You see, I left my home because I can't really contain that my family is always arguing so I decided to leave.

Okay, So we ran outside.

People were screaming "RUN!" some of them were even crawing and hiding. Seriously I don't really know what's going on. We started to panic when a Big black hummer parked infront of us and two young men came to us.

"You girls are crazy! Why aren't you running?! " The big guy said.

"Seriously?! We don't know what's happening here!" I yelled at him

"Uhm, you see. We really need to get going, we'll explain everything. Just get your important things quick! Please." The other one wearing glasses said.

"C'mon." Kennedi pulled my shirt. We quickly got our things, I've got two bags and foods yeah.

We threw our bags inside the car, I let Kennedi and Camille get in first. I was about to go inside the hummer when I heard someone or something growling and sprinting very quick towards me.

The big guy came out quickly from the car holding a big rifle and amied at the head of that thing infront of me and shoot it.

Then it hit me, everything was clear now. They were running from ZOMBIES.

I quickly got in the car and locked it. I put my head in my hands.

"You don't know anything about zombies do you?" The big guy insulted me

"SHUT UP. I know many things about Zombies! Who the hell are you anyway?!" I yelled

"I'm Chad." The big guy said. "I'm Patrick." The one with the glasses said.

"Aly." I said "They're Kennedi and Camille" I added. Then a few moments later we had awkward silence.

"Can somebody explain what's happening?" Kennedi's panicing voice broke the silence

"Well, my hypothesis is There's an outbreak coming from the airport. Because there is a rare virus coming from other countries that reached our country and it became worst then it turned people into corpse." He said not even looking at us.

"Woah there horsie." Chad exclaimed. We all asked what's the matter. He pointed to a few zombies infront of us.

"Ready for some experience?" He smirked at us.

"F*** yeah." I yelled.

"Grab some guns at the back." He ordered.

"You're a criminal!" I laughed because he has alot of illegal guns, steel baseball bats, chains, whips, and something more scarier. "Those are my dad's" He laugh

"I think I'm going to stay here." Kennedi said. Yeah, she couldn't even watch Zombie movies, how about in person?

I ran outside of the car and hold a rifle. I aimed at them and then BANG!

"Uhm. Guys? How does this work?" Camille said holding a double-barrel

"Oh c'mon!" Chad yelled at her.

"We need somewhere we could use as a safe house." Patrick said. We all ran inside the car and bumped at some zombies.


Ever since, we were a team. That's how it started.



Soooo, how was it? Should I continue it? :) Please tell meeeeeh. (TELL ME A LIE.) HAHAHAHA Wtvr.

Promise, On Chapter 1 I'll include One Direction :) I'll update A.S.A.P. Because We were planning this for a long time already :"""> Its like (ERMUUH) a dream come true. HAHAHAHA just kidding :) Lol wtvr.

@Spongebob_B <--- my solo Wattpad account

@ImBrijette <--- On twitter :)


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