Beautifully Broken: Chapter Three

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Hi Guys! So as resolved from last chapter and you guys’ opinion, I’ve decided to switch to first person with this story, beginning with this chapter.

Hope you enjoy. J Comment, Vote, Suggest, Criticize, after if you’d like to. Thanks!




Blue-Green eyes.

I fell into the darkness of an elevator shaft and instead of thinking of a hundred other things that have been in my life for more than the past 24 hours, I could only see his blue-green eyes. And of a boy who can’t have said more than a handful of sentences to me, nonetheless. Way to go, Addie. So much for the lack of attachment.

My eyes were blinded by the light as I slowly opened them. After the initial white, I realized I was in a hospital bed of what seemed to be the outpatient section. Someone, Shelly, Lyla’s roommate, was in a seat next to the bed reading a magazine. I couldn’t have been out for long, couldn’t I?

Just then Shelly noticed me staring at her. “Oh good! You’re awake. Uhmm..I’m Shelly, Lyla’s room mate from earlier. Sorry I forgot to tell you guys about the elevator in time. Lyla had to go and check on Jules,” she said.

I tried to sit up but the sudden movement had me dizzy and tugging on the hair behind my head to relieve the pain.

“And oh yeah, the doctor said that for me to give you these,” she continued holding out a rim of capsules I assumed to be pain killers. “He said that if you felt up to it, you could go home. Lyla or I will drive you home. We’re just waiting for Jules to get discharged and then we can get you both home, you’re car is still parked at our place.”

“Ohh,” I mumbled dumbly. “What happened earlier? Why did it take so long for them to get us out?”

“That was exactly what I was thinking when the firemen with equipment arrived like 3 hours late.  It turns out there was a fire nearby and all their personnel were directed there. Then we had to find out what floor you guys were stuck on, which would have taken much longer if you didn’t start whacking that elevator door with that crowbar. We were both freaking out when we saw both of you guys being brought out unconscious.”

“How’s Julian?”

“He’s better now. They gave him something for the spasm and then had him on oxygen for a while. I think both him and Lyla are really thankful you tried to get the two of you out or he might have gone into cardiac arrest or something,” Shelly added, a serious face on.


After taking a few painkillers, Shelly and I went to find Julian’s room. When we did, Lyla ran to me and pulled me into a giant hug, thanking me profusely.

“You don’t know what his parents would have done if their beloved son had a heart attack with him not even into his first week of college! Thank you so much,” she gushed.

“Oh, uhm..It was nothing…” I said.

“No its not silly. Anyway, I have to go sign a few papers for Jules. Shelly, will you come with me?”she said turning to Shelly.

The two of them walked out of the room and then I realized I was alone with Julian again. Turning towards him, I noticed he was just staring out the window next to his bed, his muscled right arm still hooked up to an IV. He appeared to be deep in thought. Or maybe he was ignoring me again.

I walked towards his bed slowly.

“So, uhmm, how are you feeling Julian?” I said, surprised at how genuinely concerned I was for the blue-green eyed boy in front of me.

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