Chapter 8

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Alex POV

School day

The day of my classes had started, I had told my parents
not to open up a case on Antonio because I knew it was utterly impossible- (someone my parents and probably the authorities didn't know and he would manipulate any situation) plus I wanted to move on with my life since it had been months since I had nightmares about Antonio or him having shown up in my life everything was looking up for me.

I had started to think it had all been a dream, that all of it had just been a spark of my imagination but my brain was much clever always bringing up the fact that I had sex and those black marks on my back but I always brushed it aside because I had to move on.

The university of Trafalgar was beautiful it had been proclaimed the most prestigious and most high rated school of intellect.

The facts on how me and X actually got into the school never fazed me one bit because I knew our parents had pulled a few strings because our reputations weren't as squeaky clean as all their students anyway I loved the place, I loved the feel of it, it felt like I was connected to it that was why I chose to study Theology I always found it quite interesting at school it had so much thought put into it, it had so much exciting information on every reason we exist and about the  gods before us.

So my first class was starting in three minutes and I was so excited when I got into class I chose the front seat that was hidden from everyone but had the best view of Professor Devon he was Indian with beautiful brown eyes that were so exotic and his muscled chest was showing under his well tailored suit I was going to love theology if that was going to be what I saw everyday.

The lesson was on medieval Times when people believed in  gods that would want sacrifices of first born sons to stop natural disasters from taking place twenty minutes from the lesson someone come into class I couldn't see who but when Professor Devon said

"It's so nice of you to join us mr Brando'',

My heart dropped to my knees I knew that surname from anywhere I knew it so well, I remembered it very well I just thought what a nightmare why me I couldn't even breathe the fact that he raped me got me hyperventilating the fact that he might do it again scared me so much I couldn't handle being in this room with him it felt like my walls where caving in I felt like that clusterfobic little girl once again.

My body started shaking, I started losing consciousness until I heard a girl called Maria call professor Devon professor looked up and saw me he came rushing towards me with him I couldn't breathe I was shaking violently until Antonio held onto my hands letting our fingers intertwine he whispered something in my ear I couldn't hear but made me calm down he then told the professor that he would take me to the nurses office and he lifted me up on and carried me out we didn't reach the nurses office but he took me too one of the empty classes where he laid me down and started talking to me

What did you think I would do to you, just because we had sex you go around telling your family I raped you,  if I had a choice I would  divorce you any time you are the one that bound us together and we can't break that bound believe me I have tried.  My advisers told me to get u back into our dimension before .... never mind that but I have to have you love me and be my wife.

Im sorry if you felt I raped you I havent had a female companion in my life or atleast  until I made a deal with the devil himself .

I looked up him and I couldn't even believe him did he just apologize for making my life a living hell for months now I just looked up at him and said I still have to go to the nurses office now he looked up at me and laughed I couldn't help but think how handsome he was but it was going to take him many years to even think he was going to win my affections, it was like he read my mind because he came he came up with the best deal between the both of us and I thought it was brilliant he had decided that he and i could go on with our lives date other people and do what's best for us but when the time is right.

That was the best deal I had ever made with the devil himself it was a deal that permitted me and X to date and that's all I wanted to do being around X without worring that he would get hurt because of me.

My life was starting to look up for me after all.

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