Chapter 4

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Alex POV

I woke up to a hysteric looking Jonny  and the group they were looking at me as if I had just died . When I woke up my first words were

"what are you all staring at"

And everybody had just laughed a nervous laugh and asked" what happened Al",I told them what I saw and what had happened before and they all looked at me like I was crazy.

X told me my body had started shaking uncontrollable and I was vomiting and I stopped breathing and everybody had started thinking he did something to me but I told them not to worry it was probably nothing but I knew it wasn't I just felt something had already changed within me and I didn't like it one bit. My night had been ruined by a nightmare called death.

Well I didn't lose my virginity which I so wanted to but unfortunately unforeseen events happened but that never has stopped me before and it never will as long as I exist.

The next day I stayed with X in his bedroom wrapped around me his hands running up and down on my body he was just teasing me because he had told me the night before that he won't be perusing anything with me until our graduation was over he knew I couldn't wait but he did it on purpose I also started teasing him I started gripping what was between his two legs I knew he got aroused before I even did anything he started moaning and I got on him top of X and before anything had happened He came back

I warned Alex you are mine I get very jealous when people do things to my property stop it Now and I won't harm him haha haha.

I got of X as fast as lightning I didn't want anything happening to him I just loved him too much his family is my family if anything had happened to X on my account I would have died of depression.

He looked at me and asked "Al are you ok you look paler than normal and girl how could you toy with me like that", I looked at him and laughed I said im going to take a bath and enjoy myself today because my parents will be boiling with complements to lay upon me at home since I didn't come back home last night with that I went and took a bath because I was shaking with fear I didn't want X to  see because he looked at me as if I crazy the day before I didn't want to deal with that saga again.

I drove home it was dark I loved dark places with a forest feel but that night I didn't I was afraid of what looked disgusting and it laid a claim upon me and my life what had I gotten myself into two years back I had to find out from miss  Laura at that spell bound book shop she had to know because she wouldn't have just taken that book from us for no reason I had to investigate and find a way out of that deal I guess everything has consequences that I would have to learn later.

I wouldn't let those events cloud my judgment or my life when I was  preparing to got my own place an awesome condo days away from graduation no I would live my life like before no disturbances i had told myself.

I had opened my radio and blust it to a 100 will i had been driving A-king was playing I sang along

"Take a swim if you have a problem please beat some sense into im always against and over stayed welcome never know when to leave never know when to do anything

Say what you came here to sat watch me bleed out,  say what you came here to say "

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