Chapter 7

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Alex POV

I woke up laying on the ground with new clean clothes that were big on me as I heard people running towards me. My family was crunching down on the ground asking me what had  happened all I could say was he raped me, daddy he raped me my father was turning towards X

and I said not him Antonio raped me he took to his house and raped me he beat me and he proclaimed me useless. 

I was crying when my father carried me away from the crowd that had gathered around me X didn't even look at me, my father drove us home and called doctor Zane who was to come and see to my health, and upon me my body for any damage.

When he had finished examining me he had said he did indeed seen signs that I had been taken advantage of and that I have marks of being beaten on my back and arms he then gave me a sedative to help me sleep.

But before my father asked me questions on Antonio so we could get him arrested but I knew that was impossible he was death after all but I told him that he was here the day of my party I told them what he had told me partially what was the truth but before I could tell them anything else I felt his presence and I started screaming the sedative helped me sleep but didn't stop the nightmares from happening my body felt heavy, my stomach twisted tight of nots, my breathing got heavy until I awoke the nightmares kept on happening they got worse when X was near me he would come visit but never got next to me or touch me like before I had asked him why and he told me because he wanted me whole not when when I was  broken he wanted me to be better before he started being his old foolish, boyish, charming self around me again I felt there was something deeper but I didn't bother myself pondering on it.

It always bothered me but I wasn't going to complain because it was true I was broken and my supposed husband had caused it, he had taken what I valued most and left me empty like a vessel just because he had wanted to show me he owned me.

I was not going to show him vulnerability,  I was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I could buckle and be as useless as he had proclaimed never.

Two months later

Ok so it had been two months since I have gotten my apartment, started school and last went to look for miss Laura from the spell bound book shop.

I went to look for her and found out she had died a year ago from leukemia and when I asked the new manager about mantra litto he said they had no record of such a book in their shop I was pretty sure he was lying because I saw how fidgety and sweaty he got when I asked about the book I didn't push him though I was going to find it no matter what it had to cost me.

I was so happy my nightmares had stopped, X was back to being himself and I was back to being myself reckless and dangerous.

Hi guys sorry for the short chapters days are different hope u forgive me and please vote, comment,  like and vote once again if I don't get responses I won't publish any other chapters. Sorry for spelling mistakes and grammar I wanted to ask yall what u think of Antonio and  Alex together which team r u team Alex and X or team Alex and Antonio

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