Losing Lorelei ~ Last But Not Least

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Lorelei's body was shaking. Every part of it, her hands, her legs, her middle, even her head seemed to tremble as she looked down.

The street seemed too far away. The wind whistled passed Lorelei and her hair waved off her right shoulder, she smiled as she remembered that in a matter of minutes, or hours. Everything would be over, all the heartache, all the pain. It would be gone.

"Where the hell is she?!" Liam asked, "I know something's wrong! I just know it! I need to look for her." He made a break for the door when Harry dove in front of him.

Placing both his hands on Liam's forearms, he stopped moving, Harry looked into his concerned, worried eyes, "We don't know that, just wait for her to call back. She will. I promise. Knowing Lorelei, she's gotten lost, she'll be back any second-" As he said that, Liam's mobile rang.

All the boys who were gathered in the front room waiting for Lorelei to return home. Louis picked up Liam's phone, "Its Lorie's number." He threw Liam his phone.

Fumbling as he caught it, Liam accepted the call, "Lorelei?!" He exclaimed.

"Hey Liam." Lorelei whispered.

"Lorelei." Liam let out a sigh of relief, part of him was worried that he was going to get a call from the emergency services telling him that Lorelei had been in an accident, call it twin intuition... "Where are you? It's nearly nine, Lorie...I'm worried."

"Liam, I'm really sorry..."

"Sorry?" Liam choked, "What have you got to be sorry for?" The boys exchanged anxious glances.

"For not saying goodbye properly." Lorelei whispered.

"Goodbye?" Liam gulped, "Lorie... Where are you? At the airport?"


"Hang on Lorelei, where are you? Tell me where you are!" Liam demanded feeling the blood rush from his face as he finally twigged about what his sister was trying to tell him, "Oh god Lorie, Lorelei, no. Please don't."

"Don't what?" Niall asked Louis frantically, "Don't what?"

"I don't know, mate." Louis whispered looking scared as tears slipped from Liam's face and he fell to the floor on his knees, Niall ran to him and placed an arm around his friend as he cried.

Zayn stepped back unsure what to do and what was going on, what was Lorelei saying to get Liam so distressed? Harry was watching too, he and Louis exchanged anxious glances towards one another.

"I'm so sorry Liam." Lorelei's voice was hoarse and she could hear her brother crying on the end of the phone, she felt awful. But it would be better once she was gone, he'd forget her, so would her parents, and her older sisters. They'd all forget and move on, that's just the way it would go.

"Fuck! Lorelei! Where are you?!" During his frantic rant, Liam dropped the phone, Niall picked it up but didn't say anything.

"Liam?" Harry moved over to the other side and knelt next to him, "What's going on?"

"Lorelei..." Liam sobbed, "She...She's..." He looked up to Louis and whispered, "I think she's going to kill herself."

At this, Zayn snatched the phone from Niall, "Lorelei!"


"No, it's Zayn."

"Zayn?" She murmured.

Zayn pressed a finger to his other ear so he could hear her properly, "Whatever you're thinking, don't, don't do it, please. Liam is sobbing, come on Lorelei..." He sighed as she said nothing, "Please just come back here, and we'll talk things through, things will get better, I promise you."

Losing Lorelei / z.mМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя