Losing Lorelei ~ Returning The Favour

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Ok guys, this chappie is dedicated to Kayleigh, a very young beautiful girl who has been so lovely and kind to me, and also, she's just starting this amazing story, Letting Yourself Fall, so I all want you to go read it, follow her and shoot her a message because she's honestly the most lovely person I've ever met, much love <3 xx


   After Louis and Lorelei returned to the house, the atmosphere eased and after dinner, everyone was relaxed, that was if Lorelei and Zayn weren’t in the same room.

   “Right,” Lorelei yawned, “I’m going to bed. Night you guys.”

   “Night.” They chorused.

   “Goodnight.” Zayn said, his voice was penetrating and much lower than everyone else’s, Lorelei looked back, glared and then moved up the stairs to bed.

   Liam looked to Zayn after seeing the look between Lorelei and him, “What was that about?” He asked with a laugh.

   Zayn gulped, breathed heavily and looked down to his twiddling, sore fingers, “Yeah, Zayn,” Louis said suddenly making his head snap up, “What was that about?”

   The look Louis had given Zayn showed him that he knew, he knew about himself and Lorelei. His eyes turned soft and pleading. Louis just shook his head and looked away, Zayn rubbed his hand on his forehead, maybe he couldn’t convince Louis to stay quiet for now, but he knew that his friends wouldn’t stay mad at him forever.

   A little later, Lorelei came down dressed in her shorts and vest top which she intended on sleeping in as her pyjamas, she yawned again, “Liam,” He turned to her, “Can I have the key to my window? It’s too hot.”

   Liam laughed and hopped up, “Sure.” Lorelei followed him to the kitchen where he pulled it out of the draw, he held it out to her before retracting it, “No running this time. Promise?”

   “I promise.” Lorelei said and as he handed her the key, she stuck her tongue out at him teasingly, Liam pushed his twin lightly.

   “Good, now go to bed.” He winked and she rolled her eyes letting the tinkling laugh that he missed flood the room.

   “Yes, sir!” Lorelei mock saluted him before marching through the front room.

   “Don’t take the mickey out of me.” Liam warned jokingly.

   “Oh yeah,” Lorelei stopped and crossed her arms smirking, “What are you gonna do about it, bro?”

   “I warned you.” Liam said before chasing her, Lorelei squealed with laughter and sprinted full pelt up the stairs away from her brother and his tickling hands.

   Waking up with the sun in her face, Lorelei smiled at the memory of last night and how Liam and she had actually acted like they were siblings rather than mortal enemies.

   She then swung her legs out of bed and stretched her arms up. Lorelei got dressed quickly into a pair of light ankle-grazing jeans and an oversized grey vest top. Her long blonde hair was down and she was completely clean faced.

   “God I’m starved.” Lorelei declared as she jumped the last step and slid through to the kitchen, Niall smiled at her.

   “Good, because if I eat everything here on my own, I’ll start to gain weight.”

   Lorelei snorted and sat next to him, “Niall, you could eat everything in the supermarket and you wouldn’t gain weight.”

   Niall smiled at her as she placed a croissant on her plate and wiped a blob of strawberry jam on it, she took a bite and moaned at its tastiness.

Losing Lorelei / z.mWhere stories live. Discover now