I knew something felt wrong

Start from the beginning

"You two will be cleaning the Great Hall" Mcgonagall said narrowing her eyes at both of us. "That will be easy" George said pulling out his wand "Without magic Mr. Weasley" Mcgonagall said handing us the cleaning things. "This is going to take forever" I whined "You should have thought about that before" Mcgonagall said walking out of the Great Hall leaving us to work. It was so quiet in the Great Hall without people in there...it was hard to focus on cleaning. "This is so boring" George groaned. "I have an idea, Hermione has this thing that plays music and she brought stuff she thinks I would like" I smiled pulling out my wand "Accio!" I shouted waiting on the stuff to zoom into the Great Hall...a few minutes later the stuff was in the Great Hall in front of me. "What is that?" George asked raising an eyebrow. "Hermione said it's called a CD player and these are CD's" I said smiling...I waved my wand above it and the CD flew into the player and began playing music.  "What is this?" George asked me smiling. I picked up the case to the CD and read it to George "Sleeping With Sirens" I said aloud "They do know sleeping with a Siren would be bad, right?" George asked confused..."Muggles" I laughed "They don't know anything" I sighed...I replayed the same song 6 times and knew the words by heart at the end, we were done cleaning so I jumped on the Ravenclaw table it was the one we were closest to and began to sing and dance to the song that was playing. "Your pretty good at that" George said laughing "I know I'm amazing" I laughed pulling George up onto the table and dancing around him. "Oh come on don't just stand there" I laughed grabbing his hand making him move. Before he knew it he was dancing on the table with me laughing. There was a throat clearing behind us..."Turn around very slowly" I whispered to George still laughing. George and I slowly turned to face Mcgonagall I looked at George and we both fell laughing at the look on her face, it wasn't angry, or the look saying we were in trouble it was half amusement and half shame we were in her house. She dismissed us from the Great Hall after she inspected everything, George and I took Hermione's things back to her dorm.

"Do you want to go to the owlery?" I asked George not wanting to sit in the common room "Sure" George smiled leading the way to the portrait hole. George and I walked across the grounds towards the owlery "Why are we here?" George asked ducking as owls were flying through theowlery. "Sending food to Padfoot" I whispered to George trying not to direct attention to us. "Pig where are you?" I shouted and the overly hyper owl came flying down towards me. He flew around my head around and around in circles..."Pig come here!" I shouted trying to grab the blasted owl from the air. "A little help" I shouted to George as I was jumping up towards the owl. "I was just enjoying the view" George smirked looking towards me as he was leaning against a wall "Your a pervert! Now help me!" I yelled my face slightly red...I gave up on jumping for the owl. "Here" George said grabbing Pig. I gave some of the food to him and some to a school owl since he was so small. "To Snuffles" I whispered and Pig hooted and happily flew off. 

I looked at my watch and it was nearing after hours..."C'mon!" I shouted grabbing George, taking off running across the grounds, up the stairs, and to the portrait. "Just in time" The Fat Lady said disapprovingly. I gave her the password and she swung open "Where were you two?" Fred askedglaing at his brother. "Detention then to the owlery to send food to Snuffles" I replied to Fred, that seemed to relax him because he was no loner staring at his brother. "How was detention?" Fred asked me as I sat down. "Kinda fun, we started a food fight, Mcgonagall made us clean, we listened to music that Hermione brought with her, and when we were done I started singing the song and dancing on the Ravenclaw table until McGonagall walked in" I laughed and so did Fred...I could see Fred imagining me dancing and singing on a table. "Hey I can dance" I whined at Fred"Let's see it then" He replied clearing the table in front of the couch. "Accio!" I shouted and the CD player and CD from before came zooming down to the common room. With a wave of my wand the song from before began playing. I climbed onto the table and began to sing then dance, Fred and George were both watching "You really can dance" Fred said kinda surprised. "Told ya!" I shouted "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Ron asked as he walked down from the boys dorm "Dancing" I said sitting back on the couch next to Fred and turning the music off. "Sure" Ron said. Before Ron could continue I walked off to the Girls dorm with Hermiones things placed them under her bed then lay on my own...soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

Life is hard when your last name is Lestrange and you fall for a WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now