Chapter 8: Explanations and a bonus

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I was still pretty cold, yet now my insides were burning. The alcohol seemed to drown my brain down to my heart and I had hardly any control over what I said, which in some ways I regretted and in others, adored.

The TV went black as we finally were up to date to the show. We both did nothing but started before Michael broke the silence. 'Well, now I see my reflection in the TV, I see myself as a mess.' He pointed out, and I found it more funny than I would normally so I laughed and agreed the same for me.

He looked over at me, and then at our arms, that over the period of time began touching, so did our legs a little. I didn't mind, I wanted more of it really, under the poison that is alcohol or not, I craved much, much more. He saw my Goosebumps on my arms and creased his eyebrows.

'Are you cold?' he asked and I didn't want to seem rude, but then I didn't want to lie.

'A little.' I admitted.

He scoped himself off the couch and strutted over to find a blanket from a big box I hadn't noticed before. The blanket he took out was white and incredibly fluffy. He told me to lean up from the couch a little so it could go behind my back and then threw the blanket over my head.

I started giggling at absolutely nothing and he joined in. soon he plumped himself down next to me and cuddled the blanket around us together.

'I hope you don't mind.' He said gently while getting physically closer to me.

'Not at all.' I said. I really, really didn't. This makes me seem bad because his son is at the hospital with his ex-wife or such and I'm here, drinking with him and getting closer than I should, get enjoying every bit and craving millions more.

He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer so I was cuddling him more. I laid my head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. He smelled even more amazing than from a distance. I was so close to him it felt a little wrong, he was not only tipsy or possible drunk, but going through a rough patch in his life and I was clutching onto him like a koala.

He pressed a few other buttons and put on some music. He stroked his hand through my hair and played his chin on the top of my head a lot.

'I don't think I've ever explained about Erica and... everything else.' He said, very gently and slowly.

'No, you didn't.' I admitted and started drawing patterns on my black skirt with my finger.

'I should probably explain now, we've got a lot of time..' he trailed off, breathed out a loud and heavy sigh. I felt bad, he did hide some things from me but I've trusted him, with a lot more than I should considering I haven't known him for more than five weeks.

'You don't need to. I can tell it's a heavy topic for you.' I said under my breath. It was partly true, except I was really interested in everything he didn't mention or avoided.

'No I have to get this off my chest. What do you want to know first?' he asked, and I was close to refusal but I knew lifting weight from his shoulders would do him good, so I had thought about some things.

'What is the heaviest topic for you?' I asked. 'From them all?'
He sighed deeply and his eyes wandered around the room in search for thoughts.

'Erica.' He said, and bit his lip. 'Just everything that happened.'

'Then tell me that.' I said, and he nodded while probably thinking of what to say. His eyes once again explored the room and he tried to put sentences in his head that made sense.
'We met a long time ago. I think I might have been 17 or 18. At first we were friends, but then things changed very quickly. We started slow but we gradually got closer and closer, we kissed a lot more and hugged in public, held hands and all those things couples do. I lost my virginity to her, and she lost hers to me. It wasn't the best the first time but we did it often so we got better. We had fights and we slip up a lot, those were the times we would sleep with different people for months, but never longer than a 6.' He said everything in quite a rush, but I tried to catch up and understand what he was saying.

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