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the blinds are pulled open, the sheets are yanked back, and the pillows are thrown. it's only the second day of the second semester and taehyung is already slacking.

"tae, if you don't get your butt up right now you're dead!" shouts, lightly slapping taehyung in different spots on his bum.

taehyung mumbles from the inside of his hoodie, untying it from its clumps of knots and sits up in bed, his bloodshot eyes forcing themselves open.

"goodmorning to you too, i guess."


as taehyung's mother basically pushes him out of the car, he stumbles, fixing his shoelace and getting back on track, entering the school again out of millions of times. except this time, he was late and it felt different.

the hallways were clear of obnoxious teenagers and the air wasn't filled with noisy laughter. he makes his way through the corridor and walks as if he wasn't going to get a detention for being late. the gym that was a few feet next to his first class was loud, the voices of teenagers echoing through the lonely hallway. taehyung stops in his steps and peaks through the door window to see the commotion.

adolescents were everywhere, picking up weight, doing push-ups, running laps, and playing sports. taehyung focused on the farthest corner to the left where a boy was alone in his tight shorts and loose white tank, stretching his legs as he bent his upper body down, folding himself down to reach his toes. taehyung couldn't help but to watch how the boy's muscles would disappear and reappear somewhere else where the stretch was working the most, making it appear quite flattering in his tight garments.

"hey kid, shouldn't you get going to class? stop staring at the girls, boy." a voice spooks taehyung as he gasps and twirls around, his hand to his chest. the comment burned taehyung as if a match just struck his skin. but of course, the clueless teacher wouldn't have known he likes boys, or what he was actually staring at. taehyung glances one more time at the boy and starts walking again, forgetting the teacher was ever there.


the hours seemed to have passed by quickly throughout the day when taehyung decided to put in some effort on his first few assignments. it wasn't all that hard as a senior; this was the only year of highschool where you could relax and put a few things off. however, taehyung has done that throughout all twelve years.

the last bell rang signaling the last period of the day, and taehyung started walking to literature. he hasn't seen yoongi or jimin all day, which was not surprising. they'd occasionally skip lunch or a class to go take care of some 'business' together. not that taehyung was affected at all by it.

somewhere in the madness of the hallway, taehyung spots the same loose muscle tee from the gym, running to get to their destination. a few feet behind the figure ran a teacher yelling, "come back here boy! put on your uniform!" immediately he thought about the quite boy in class who was always anxious and in a hurry. taehyung seemed to have forgotten his name on the spot.

watching the commotion, taehyung realized he had missed the passing time to get to class and was now late. again. for the second time today, which means two detentions. it's been a great first two days of the last semester, has it not?

reaching the literature door, he peaks inside. he spots jimin and yoongi talking to each other, the other students reading, and shy boy next to yoongi fixing his navy blue blazer. taehyung catches the smirk that struck his face and opens the door.

like in every movie ever made in a school, the heads of all students shoot up to see who entered at the wrong time. taehyung could feel yoongi laughing at him, which taehyung just rolls his eyes at. after doing that, he instantly regretted it as the teacher thought it was directed at him.

"who are you rolling your eyes to kim taehyung? you're the one who's late."

"yes, i know sir."

"this is like jeon jungkook all over again, jesus christ. except you're getting a double detention kim taehyung, i don't like sassy attitude. go take a seat and start reading."

taehyung stared at the nameless teacher in awe, and chuckled. three detentions all in one day? there's no way this day could get even better. he shrugs it off and finds his way next to jimin who had his wild orange hair messy and unbrushed. in the process, he glances at jungkook (he remembered his name) who was blushing at the comment the teacher had said about him and dug his nose back in the book.

"what happened?" he asks taehyung, patting his shoulder as a friendly gesture.

"i was staring at boys in the hallway for too long."

jimin laughs and turns a page in the book as an act to look like he's actually reading.

"do you want to hangout after school with me?"

"and yoongi?"

"yoongi has basketball."

"so i'm the backup?"

"always, baby." jimin messes up taehyung's hair and flips another page.

"that reminds me, why is your hair crazy?"

"let's just say i had a really nice workout last period," jimin whispers, glancing back at yoongi who was on his phone, interested in whatever he was doing.


"so you have three detentions?!" jimin yells across his bed to taehyung who was plopped onto his beanbag.

"yeah, but whatever right? i need it to put me back in my place."

"when are you ever focused on school tae? don't make me laugh." jimin puts in his two cents.

jimin was scrolling away on his phone, while taehyung was laying back throwing a ball in the air.

"is this what our hangouts have become? you suck." taehyung complains.

no response.

taehyung puts the ball to the side. "what are you even doing?"

he gets up and lies down next to jimin, looking at his phone screen. it was an app that held only pictures, like a blog, and jimin was scrolling endlessly, the pictures ranging from food to dogs, dogs to beaches, and beaches to couple pictures.

"is that tumblr?" taehyung asks.

jimin hums in response.

"that's been a super popular app lately. why?"

"i thought you had one?"

"i don't."

at this, jimin gets up from his laid position and stares at taehyung.

"where have you been boyfriend?"

jimin rolls his eyes and goes back to taehyung who's facial expression is really uninterested.

"download the app and make a blog."


"do it."

taehyung releases a loud sigh and takes a few minutes getting the app prepared.

he seems to have stumbled across the making a username.

another few minutes go by, and taehyung decides to settle on the username "kim.98"

"okay, now what?"

jimin tells taehyung everything he needs to know and how to do things on tumblr, including stuff to post about and how to make himself look interesting and 'cool'.

"got it?"

"i guess."

"don't stress about it, later on you'll find it addicting."


authors note;

dude im finally updating what kind of miracle was this lmao

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