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Your POV

"It's over Kendall." I said as I slammed the door in his face. I fell onto the couch, my only friend. My ear buds were laying on the coffee table, I grabbed them and plugged them into my phone. A Playlist popped up 'The Usual' it read, it's sad my most often played songs are breakup songs. I hit play and the perfect song came on, Alone Again. I stared at the ceiling, seven little scratches stared back at me. One for every man who broke my heart, I climbed up on a chair and scratched another one. I sighed and layed back down, my life sucks. At this moment an idea popped into my head, I need something new.

Three months later

"Flight 249 leaving in five minutes." The lady said as she rushed people through bag check. I grabbed my brush out of my bag and started to put my hair up in a pony tail, the lady came over to me
"Ma'am can you wait to do that on the plane?" She said in a voice higher than my ex boyfriend. Me being my sassy and very well prepared self, handed her a note. She read it and looked at me with an annoyed expression, I took it from her and laughed. The note read

To whomever it may concern,

Y/n can do what she wants, you cannot stop her because she will punch your face in.

I hope you get the message,
~y/n's mom.

God I love my mom, she's got to be the coolest person ever to be my mom. I bet if you locked her in a cage with a bear she would eat it, being all badass and all.

But eventually I boarded my flight, and was forced to sit next to this weird dude with a camera. He turned to me and began to film my face,
"So recruits, this is Random person. Random person, would you like to tell me your name?" he asked in a goofy voice. So, unlike most people who would be really annoyed, I returned his silly voice and responded
"Yeas, I am y/n, now being a random person is no easy job. You have to go to college for .24 years, then get a job, then quit it and move to Seattle."
He laughed, then ended what I hope was a vlog, otherwise he was a

"Hehe, thanks for not being angry, with me. Sometimes I can get carried away with who I bother...." he said and rubbed his arm like he was embarrassed.
"Yo It's cool man! I used to make YouTube videos before I switched to behind the camera, whatever makes people laugh!" I said with a crazy laugh.
"So your moving to Seattle huh? Well I actually need an editor for my friends vidoes, we're kinda understaffed at the moment." He said
"So what I'm hearing is a job?" I asked
"Yes job." He said with a insane look in his eyes. Suddenly, he went berserk and started flopping around like a walrus,
"Job. Job Job Job job job job job" he said while flopping around.

He must have had friends traveling with him, because a guy with red hair leaned over our seats
"Adam get up you look stupid" he said and threw a bag of cheetos at him.

"Yo gingerbeard, can't you tell this is a rare job-walrus? They're very rare and can only be summoned when you need a job, and he just gave me one."

I told him, and he just stared at me. Finally he looked at Adam and said,

"Another one?!"

Mr. Mithzan (Max X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora