VII: The Revealed

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Oh look! Another story I haven't updated in a while!

As long as Wattpad doesn't delete any chapters OR parts of chapters, I should be motivated to update C:

Feel free to correct me if I get any information wrong~

I have confirmed that it is OKAY to use 'said' as many times as you'd like. Picture it. Using things like 'stated' or etc sometimes doesn't flow as well. It all depends on the kind of voice and mood of the story. Friendly PSA. C;


While rainfall and winds brushing hair over your eyes were not any of your favorite things, eventually you had reached home unscathed. Richard had rode lone back to Lexington once you had found him, claiming he was perfectly capable of riding home without any assistance. You believed him, truly, however, with all that had occurred recently, he needed to be aware. Bloody hell, anything could happen to him and you wouldn't even know. Perhaps it would be safe for you to at least attempt to convince him to stay at the homestead.

Achilles had said nothing but a 'Welcome back' in your return. You already knew that he was well aware of Connor's execution, as you had caught a small glimpse of his hat while Lee was speaking. He didn't show it, but you tell that he was truly relieved that the two of your were safe. Achilles had already gathered Connor's equipment and garment for him when you arrived. You didn't know how he managed to retrieve them, but you knew better than to question him.

You had entered your room in order to grab your rapier, as you had forgotten it when you left for New York. You had also checked that you had your flintlock, just to be sure. It was safe in its holster.

After you made sure everything was in check, and your signature 'tricorne shift', you had stepped out of your room and met Achilles and Connor in front of the door, waiting for you.

Once you had gave a nod to both men, stepping one foot closer to the door, Achilles had caught your attention with a 'Hold on a second'. Connor himself looked quite perplexed, for he knew not of Achilles' intentions either.

"I do believe that [Name] has earned your trust, Connor?" He spoke with his semi-raspy voice, beginning to lean on his cane with both arms as if this were going to be a long conversation. You believed, without a doubt, that that was the case.

Connor had met your eyes for a brief second, then averting over to Achilles with a furrowed brow. Yes, you thought Achilles' question to be odd, especially at a time like this. But it must be important, you could tell.

"Yes, I do." He purely said. You had to admit, it was pleasant hearing that.

"As expected, because I myself agree. That is why you should no longer be hiding anything." He cleared his throat, after emphasizing the last sentence. You raised a brow, imagining the endless possibilities that he could be hiding. Obviously because you still barely knew much about the man.

"What do you- Oh." You had almost forgotten about Connor's focus and what was driving him to do what he does. "This is about what I have been questioning, right?"

Achilles and Connor glanced at each other for a moment. Achilles had nodded, most likely signaling that there was no harm in letting you know. He knew well enough that you were loyal and reliable. It was unlikely for you to turn your back on them, because you'd have nobody else to turn to.

"Yes." He finally admitted.

"I see..." You muttered, averting your gaze aside.

"Basement?" Achilles suggested to Connor. You tilted your head in slight confusion.

Connor nodded, and Achilles had began to walk towards the dining room. "What... basement?" You questioned, as if to yourself. You simply shrugged and followed the two men.

When they reached the dining area, before they could enter the room, they came to a stop. You raised an eyebrow as Connor grabbed one of the candles hanging on the wall, and pulled it down.

"You might want to get that fi-" You began, thinking that he broke it, but instead was cut off by a part of the wall revealing a staircase. "Never mind, then."

You followed them down the stairs, in awe of what was before you. Clearly, you must have been quite oblivious, as you had wondered how you never noticed this part of the manor. As you had stepped foot onto the hard, solid ground of the basement, you had immediately caught notice of a few portraits of some men. Men that you had recognized.

You began naming the men, slightly confused on why they had these portraits. "Thomas Hickey, Benjamin Church, William Johnson, John Pitcairn, Charles Lee, and... Who's this fellow?"

"Grandmaster Haytham Kenway," replied Achilles.

You nodded. "There's no doubt I've heard that name before, whether of great importance or not. Well, other than the fact that Connor's surname is supposedly Kenway, and-" You paused, trying to allow all this newly attained knowledge into your brain at once. "Is this man your father, Connor?"

"Yes," said he simply, with a nod. "How do you know these men?"

"Like I had once said, I know many people from being in the army. Word gets around when the troops are off-duty and when they have not a thing to do. But the thing is, I haven't the slightest clue what connection they share."

You saw Achilles show a smile, impressed with your knowledge. He added, "That, my dear, is what we're going to explain now." You took a seat on the floor, legs crossed, predicting that this would take long. "You will not believe how many times I've told this story. Even though this is the third time, I believe, it's rather complex."

"Not really." Connor said.

You let out a short laugh before Achilles had cleared his throat and proceeded. "Anyway, those men are of the Templar Order. Haytham Kenway is grandmaster of the Colonial Rite. Those others are just important targets of the enemy. Templars believe in order and power. They seek to create a perfect world, although their methods are brutal. They emphasize purpose, order and control, over the freedom of individuals.

"We belong to the Assassins. As how the Templars desire to control free will, we ensure the survival of freedom. We strongly believe it allows the progression of new ideas and the growth of individuality, which is of great importance for humanity. The Assassins and Templars have been in conflict for that reason for many years. Over 700, in fact."

You had nodded in understanding every once in a while, observing the wise man in his attempts to perhaps allure and convince you to take part in their creed.

You, however, had politely declined when he had asked whether you wanted to be solemnly committed to the cause.

"I'm sorry... I haven't the dedication for such a thing in my life yet. Perhaps one day, sir. I just can't commit myself to something very easily... especially something very sudden. Maybe more time is all I need."

"I understand. It's perfectly fine, of course. Such a life-changing question cannot be so easily answered.

Connor looked at you, a bit disappointed, but understood what you were feeling. You recalled seeing your father with those same Templar men, and even a cross-shaped pendant he kept. You cringed.

'What if my father was a Templar...?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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