IV: The Assumption

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Your love is my life source

Without you, I am nothing

An extinguished flame

When there is nothing to live for

Without you, I am nothing

Give me reason

When there is nothing to live for

Your reward shall be my affinity

Give me reason

Keep me flourishing

Your reward shall be my affinity

I will provide endless love

 Keep me flourishing

An extinguished flame

I will provide endless love

Your love is my life source


Of course, you definitely had to ask Connor about William Johnson's death. And then shall you take revenge on Myriam and Norris. You've been here at the Homestead long enough to know that Connor was not siding with colonists, and definitely not the British. You supposed he was the independent type. Like an eagle. But he was not against the colonists' motives on freedom and justice. You sat upon the front steps, polishing your rapier and bayonet, making sure it was presentable and well suited for combat. You were satisfied only until the blades glistened in the sunlight, and they were sharp enough to easily dig through a man's skull. You also began to examine your flintlock, confirming that everything was in working order until you looked up from your lap due to a sudden change of light. Connor had casted a shadow over your body, as you greeted him with a brief smile.

"So, Connor." You started, putting your flintlock back in its holster and your musket against the wall to the side. You stood up, sheathing your rapier and brushing away invisible dirt. You patted his shoulders when he looked at you questioningly and then put one hand on your waist. "I heard about William Johnson's death."

You could've sworn you saw him tense slightly and wear a guilty expression. "Yes.. And?" He said, barely with emotion.

"It occurred in the frontier, did it not?" You smirked in triumph when he averted his eyes to the tomahawk in the pillar.

"It did." He blinked.

"Were you not also at the frontier? At that very location? At that very time?"

".... I had nothing to do with it." He said innocently.

"You are a terrible liar, Connor." You smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it was you. Although I know not the purpose and what you gained. Of course, he was trying to sell your people's land. But I can see that there was a far larger grudge against him. He was part of an organization of some sort, wasn't he? And so are you. You haven't exactly sided with the colonists and you're not targeting all the British. There are certain people you're after, are there not?" It actually made sense. You were rather proud that you figured his scheme.

"It is true...." Your face lightened. "But I cannot tell you everything yet." You sighed. "I understand. Let me guess, it's secret information or something like that." You rolled your eyes. "It's fine. All I needed to know was that." You blinked. "Thank you for your time." You walked off towards the direction of the inn with crossed arms. You were purposely trying to show him that you were not satisfied. That you wanted to know what his true cause was. But now it was time to deal with Myriam and Norris.

AC3: Fear Not, Young DoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant