III: The Settlement

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I need to edit this later :T

S'il vous plaît! Épargnez-moi! - Please! Spare me!


Connor was in Boston on that day you met for a particular reason. He was hunting down good ole William Johnson, who was an Anglo-Irish official of the British Empire, as well as the one who managed land and property of the colonies. Like most officials and officers of the British, you knew him only because of your father. Your father-general was well acquainted with many of those that were higher ranking, and that is why you were so well known as well. Being the young lass you were, you were known by name, not specifically face. Nonetheless, you were born into the British army, and there was nothing you could do about it; much too inevitable for the good. Well, at least that was what you had thought until Connor came into your life.

Connor had been gone for a while, only mentioning that he was leaving for the frontier. And by the time he had returned, news quickly spread about William Johnson's death. Well, the news coming from a letter by Richard. Coincidence, much? You'd have to ask Connor about that later. You did anything but mourn for Johnson's death. You did not care much, not being proud to be a British soldier. 

Connor also came back with farmers and innkeepers; Warren and Prudence, Oliver and Corrine. Having an inn and farm were a great addition to the homestead. You'd enjoy the inn. Very much.

You'd spent a good amount of time on the Homestead, playing your own part. You helped out time to time with the funds and purchases taking place, and in doing so, even making quite a few new friends of the homestead. They accepted you, letting you cross their lands with open arms. Of course, they knew not of your affiliations with the British, and you were planning to keep it that way. You felt surges of happiness and relief when you were around such people. They easily made you feel at home, and being the joyous and lively types, they always caused you to smile, and even share laughs. And now it'd become regular activities; you'd go out drinking with Myriam, Catherine, and Diana, assisting Prudence and Warren with their farm, helping Lance with his handiwork, watching Norris go to work with his explosives, or even settling quarrels between Godfrey and Terry (which happened quite often). A lot of times, Connor would be out of the manor (again), attending to other tasks of his. Recently, he's been out with Mister Faulkner, sailing the Aquila. And when he returned later, you would greet him with a smile, which he'd return, expressing gratitude in which was directed towards your assistance in managing the homestead. And then you would end the day with a peaceful, good night rest.

Nonetheless, you had loosened up and were more open and inviting to the local residents. Time away from the army did you good.

You've sent letters back to Mister Richard Thomas, and decided one day to visit him in Lexington to see how well he fares. You made sure to wear anything but your British uniform, and then to tell Connor where you would be. You took your horse and spurred it across Davenport land, then through the frontier towards Lexington. When you had arrived in the town, you tethered your horse to a tree, dismounting it and then heading towards the inn.

At the inn, you'd rented a room, tossing a few coins on the counter, expecting the innkeeper to know what you wanted with raised brows.  

For one day of course- you wanted to return to the homestead as soon as possible. You sat on a chair across from one of the residents of Lexington, who was offering a game of Morris.

"Good day, ma'am." He greeted serenely.

"To you as well," you nodded with a brief smile.

He made his first move, and then you too. "Do you happen to know Mister Thomas and his whereabouts?"

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