"Adam and Jackson are both 18, and Damon is 17 as of about 2 weeks ago."

"What about that Kylee girl? Do you know anything about her?" I ask.

"Ooh, Joel's got a crush. Yeah she's 16, and she's a healer" Clara says.

"Oh shut up. I mean she is a nice girl, and she's really pretty and- uh nothing!" I say, blushing.

"Hey Joel!" Damon says from behind me.

"Damon! Over here!" Clara shouts.

Damon and Jackson sit down at the table with us.

"Damon, what did you wanna meet about?" I ask

"I wanted to show you our gym and have you practice fighting with me" he says.

"What?!" I ask.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you" he says.

"But I'm not even sure how to use my powers yet" I tell him.

"Oh, I didn't think about that. Then I have a better idea. Follow me and I'll take you to Mr Colpus, he teaches students to activate their power. Once your power has been activated, you can use it at your own will, but until then you can't control it" he tells me.

Damon and I rush out of the cafeteria and down the hallway. Am I really about to learn how to use my power?  We finally get to the door. The strange thing is, when I turn the door knob it wouldn't open.

"The door is locked" I say.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, you have to use your power to open it. Just give me a second" Damon says.

Suddenly a ball full of colors, or elements started swirling around in Damon's hands. He directed them towards the lock on the door. They swirled around the keyhole and I heard the door click. I pulled the door open and walked in turning around to see Damon standing in the hall.

"Aren't you coming? I ask.

"My powers are already activated. You have to do this on your own" he says.

"Ok, I'll see ya later. Maybe we can have that practice match" I say, really not wanting to go in.

"Yeah, maybe. Well bye!" He says before running off.

Damon runs down the hall and I walk further into the room. On the other side of the room I see a man at a desk. The man is very tall and muscular.

"Hello, I'm assuming you are Joel?" The man asks. "I've been expecting you and boy am I hyped to activate the powers of a mental" he says.

There it is again. Why are mentals so popular around here?

"Ok, here's the first test I've had set up for you. Please sit down and focus on what I'm thinking" The man says.

I sit down in the chair across from him and focus as hard as I can on what might be going on in his head. I feel like I'm supposed to be guessing because nothing is happening. I'm not getting anything.

"Well this morning I heard a girl's thoughts, I just thought I should tell you that. I think I could hear them because she was thinking about me, so maybe there was some kind of connection there"

"Yes, we believe that telepathy is much easier when thoughts are directed towards someone with the ability" Mr. Colpus says.

Suddenly, I heard something. I hear them, I hear his thoughts!

"This kid is smart. By the way he's staring right now, I believe he hears me. Now I'll think about something other than him and we will see if he can read that"

"I probably can" I say, feeling very confident in myself

"Then what am I thinking now?" He asks.

"You're , uh.. Thinking that, about you have the ability to open portals!" I say, finally proud of myself.

"Yes! Correct! You've just activated your telepathy you should be able to use it on your own now, but it won't be completely easy, you will still need to focus a little bit" he tells me.

"Awesome!" I say, loudly.

Mr Colpus puts an apple on a stool directly in front of me.

"Now you will activate your telekinesis. Please go ahead and focus all your energy on the apple. Think about throwing the apple across the room" he says, staring at me intensely.

I imagine the apple moving, but nothing happens.

"It's not working" I say.

"Imagine that apple is an obstacle in your life and you just need to push it out of your way. Just move it so it can't prevent you from doing what you want to do" He tells me.

I do as he says and to my surprise, the apple begins to wobble. I feel my energy flowing towards the apple and then the apple lifts up of the stool hovering for a moment. I move it around the room slowly. I make it go faster and faster, not hearing Mr. Colpus shouting to me.

"Slow down! Slow down!" he shouts.

I lose my focus and realize there are pencils, papers, books, the apple, and even a chair in the air floating above our heads.

"Your powers are strong, and you have them activated, but you need to be more careful. Don't let the power consume you like it did just now. But congratulations on this. We will activate your pyrokinesis and hydrokinesis at a later date. Enjoy the rest of your day" Mr. Colpus says, turning in his chair.

"Thank you very much, and I will try to be more careful. But this was amazing!" I say.

I leave the room, so excited about the fact that I now have my powers activated when suddenly someone hits me right in the face and I hit the ground hard. I look up to see a large, tall, and scaly guy hovering over me. I realize he has a tail. What is he?! And what's going on?!


I hope this was an exciting chapter for everyone! Please leave good feedback and advice for me in the comments! Enjoy the story!

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