xxvii. Suck my-

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*edited a minor thing hehehe move along guys

"Sammy!!! Happy birthday! Oh gosh. We really need to hang out soon. I know you're not awake yet. Haha.. I miss you! I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate your day with you. I'll make it up to you soon. I love you, girl. Have fun!" The voicemail ended and another one started to play as I groggily stirred my cup of coffee.

Caffeine has been the only source that keeps me going right now.

It's half past six in the morning and trust me, I would do anything to go back to sleep. I started watching the third season of American Horror Story online yesterday afternoon and the last thing I knew; it's three in the morning. I was able to sleep after that but when six o'clock struck on my bedside clock, I was up already. I tried to go back to sleep for even just a few more hours before going to the university but my mind and body won't shut up. It was really odd for someone like me, who sleeps all the time.

"Hi, Sam! It's your Aunt Kimberly. Leslie mentioned to me that it's your birthday today. Trust me, honey. With my kind of memory it's already hard to remember things anymore! Anyways, I wish you all the best in life. Your Uncle John, Leslie and I love you very much. See you soon, sweetums!"

I grabbed my phone and mug and padded to my living room. Reaching for the remote, I turned the telly on and placed it on the channel with today's breaking news. I yawned as I leaned back on the couch. For someone celebrating her twenty-third birthday, I was too lazy to make an effort right now. It's quarter to six in the d.amn morning, okay?

I wasn't paying attention to what the anchorman was saying since I was busy checking up on my emails and messages on my phone. A lot of birthday greetings flooded my inbox and university junk mails littered my mailbox. I deleted not so important messages until I got a message under Brian's name. The message started off with greeting me and I reconsidered opening up the message and read the whole message. My thumb hovered on the message when soft knocks sounded from the front door. I placed my phone on the table and walked towards the door.

"Harry." I breathed out then smiled as I looked at the man holding helium-filled balloons on one hand and a tub of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream on the other in front of me.

"Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you.." Harry started to sing and I couldn't stop laughing.

As soon as he finished the song, I gladly took the ice cream from him and invited him into my apartment. I placed the tub of ice cream on the countertop and took two small bowls from the cupboard. Harry tied the balloons on the leg one of the kitchen stools.

"Not you too." I said as I scooped spoonfuls of the ice cream into my bowl. "How did you know?"

"Don't get mad at me but Facebook told me earlier. It said that I have to greet you." He quipped, a small smile playing on his lips, as he too, scooped ice cream for his bowl.

"Darn, Facebook. I trusted it!" I played along with him.

"Nah.. I found out a week ago from Meg."

A small pang of jealousy surged through me when he mentioned Meg but I quickly doused it down. Why the h.ell would I get jealous of Meg? She's my friend and they already broke up. Harry told me himself that he really didn't liked her that much himself to take things seriously. Okay, I do sound like jealous b.itch.

Oh god, my silly crush on him is getting to me. Why am I like this?

"Oh?" I dumbly replied, licking the spoon clean and scooping another serving to my mouth.

"Yeah. She mentioned that she hasn't bought a gift for you yet. We were busy printing out the yearbook photos at her house. Thought I'd surprise you with these." He said, gesturing to the balloons.

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