David wouldn't let go of my hand and he planted me with kisses every time he got a chance.

But there was no time left and before I knew it David was dressed and the band was packing up the van.

Before Brayden climbed in the van he gave me a big bear hug. "Take care of yourself okay?," he added before he climbed into the drivers seat.

"Okay I will. Bye Brayden," I replied. He gave me a nodded and looked away. I think he was about to cry.

Then Riley turned to me and handed me a slip of paper. "You know who's number it is. Use it when you need it because David's going to be gone a while."

I opened it up and it read Austin's Mom's cell. "Thank y...," Riley cut me off.

"I didn't know okay? About you I mean, being with him. But by the time I knew I was already in love with him and you know how it is to be in love with him. So I stayed...I'm so sorry," Riley gave me a hug and climbed in the passenger seat.

Then someone hugged me from behind. I tensed up but then saw Isaac's head. "I'm gonna really miss you Tiger," he said smiling.

"Aww I'm going to miss you too," I replied. Then I gave him a huge hug and he climbed into the back of the van.

There was only one goodbye left. The one I was dreading the most. David slowly walked up to me and then hugged me close. "I'm going to miss you so much. Gosh, I love you Aubrey," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too. I'm going to miss you too," I whispered back.

Then we kissed. When we broke away David looked me over almost like he was memorizing me. Then said "I'll call you every day okay?" I nodded and we kissed again.

He climbed into the van slowly. I stood and watched. I told myself not to cry. He would be back soon.

He rolled down the window and looked me "Where ever I go I'll come home."

"I know," my voice broke. "Be safe,"
I whispered. A tear ran down my cheek and he brushed it away.

"Good bye I'll miss you, stay strong," he whispered then he kissed me one last time. The van pulled away. I watched it till I couldn't see it anymore. Then he was gone.

About five minutes later he texted me:
David<3: it's only been five miles and I miss you

I smiled and remembered his words, "Goodbye I'll miss you, stay strong."

I fell back on my bed and picked up my guitar and strummed. The feeling of the strings against my broken hands gave me back a piece of myself I had lost too many times. My old self. The one that David had brought back. A tear ran down my cheek as the pain in my heart grew.

And I sang: "How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before how could I have been so blind?
You opened up my eyes. You open up my e..."

Then my voice gave out. I gave out. I gave into my tears. And I cried for him. I cried for David.

Levi flopped on my bed. I hadn't even noticed he had come into my room. "Hey little sis," Levi put his arm around me.

"Hey big brother", I whispered.

"Do you miss him?"

"More than anything."

"He will come back you know."

"Yes I know."

"You're a strong girl. You know that?"

"How so?"

"You have to deal with mom for one."

"True, she is crazy."

"And anxiety," he added.

"Also true."

"And you're in love."

"Again true."


"Okay I see."

"Now play something."

I nodded and began to strum:

"He brushed that tear away
And for he last time he looked into my eyes
He said many things but some just sticked
Where ever I go I'll come home
Good bye I'll miss you stay strong

And I know you'll come home soon
Goodbye I'll miss you stay strong
Please, oh please come home soon
Where ever I go I'll come home

With that he was gone
And I watched until he was too far
I watched until he was gone."

Author's note:
Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! The song in this chapter is called A Heart like Yours. Remember to comment and vote! Love you guys!
Till next time~bloomagd

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