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Aubrey's P.O.V

My breathing suddenly became staggered and I couldn't take a deep breath. I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air and then panicked. I ran out of my third period English class trying to make it to the bathroom before I totally freaked out. I didn't make it.

I fell in the hallway and pulled my self against a wall. Tears began to run down my face landing on my blistered finger tips. I gasped begging for my lungs to stop burning and accept my air. I still couldn't breathe.

Then he was there. He reached for me and touched my cheek wiping off a tear. I looked into his hazel eyes as I gasped for air."Can I hug you?," he asked. I gasped out and tired for a breath.

"Shhhh breath with me," he whispered slowly wrapping his arms around my trembling body. I took three long deep breaths. Then silence our breaths were the only sound. I looked at him. He looked so calm. Then I put a name with his face David.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded but still held on to him. "You don't talk a lot do you?" it was a question but he said it like a comment. I shook my head in response. "What happened?" it was another question said like a comment. How did this guy do it?

I looked up into his hazel eyes and shook my head. "You ran from me this morning," he sighed. I looked at him with sorry eyes. "Na it's okay," he shrugged.

I smiled softly. "You sing beautifully," he whispered into my ear. Then he got up, grabbed his backpack and left without another word.

I sat there speechless for a moment. David was...interesting. I slowly got up and headed for the nurse's office to get a pass. I didn't want detention for running out of class.

The nurse knew me by now. After two years of asking for passes after having an anxiety attack, she would just hand me a pass and let me leave without a question.

As I walked down the hallway I thought about David. What was he doing in the hallway? Why did he come help me? Why was it so easy to trust him? Could he possibly be my friend? I shook my head to get those questions out of my head.

I turned into the nurses office and walked in slowly. "Hello," the nurse sat at her desk and smiled brightly.

"H-hi,"I stuttered softly. I hated talking.

"Here's a pass," the nurse handed my a bright yellow piece of the paper. I nodded at her in thanks then left.

I stopped in the bathroom before heading back to class. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair looked pulled through and messy from my attack. But thankfully my makeup wasn't terribly damaged. I pulled my fingers through my hair quickly before heading back to class.

I counted the minutes until the bell rang for lunch. After a stupid anxiety attack in English and a pop quiz in Science I was so done with this day. The only thing that I was interested in was going to my song writing class.

It was an extra class you could take instead of a study hall, which meant more homework. But, song writing class was worth it. It was the only class I had never had an anxiety attack in.

I sat under an oak tree and ate my apple. It was a beautiful day out for winter time. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram. Suddenly a shadow leaned over me blocking the sunlight.

My breath quickened and I gasped for air. "No no! Please don't freak out! It's just me!" it was David. He looked down at me, very worried.

Love, AubreyWhere stories live. Discover now