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Aubrey's P.O.V

The colors spiraled around me. The water splashed down below. I heard happy scream and laughs. I felt David's arm wrapped around me, his hand in mine.

The ride ended as quickly as it had begun. We all climbed off and headed to our next ride which, was the Hoosier Hurricane.

I hated roller coasters. Since I had rode my first one and had cried my eyes out I hated them. Since I had an anxiety attack on one I hated them. So when everyone pushed me in the line I freaked out.

"M-maybe I'll wait in t-the gift shop," I shuttered.

"Oh come on! It's really fun," Brayden pulled my arm and forced me into the line.

"P-please?," I whispered.

"Aubrey? Are you scared of roller coasters?," Isaac asked.

David held my hand "Do they give you anxiety attacks?" I nodded.

"Stop being a baby! Gosh!," Riley yelled and tugged me into a car of the coaster.

"N-no!," I screamed. "Please don't make me! Please! I can't!" Tears raced down my cheeks and my breaths quickened. I cried and screamed. I was paralyzed by fear.

My eyes were glued shut and my hands were wrapped tightly around something. I was crying and couldn't breathe. My screams sounded like gasps.

Then I felt someone lift me up, out of the coaster car. I felt someone's warm arms holding me. My eyes came open and I saw David.

I was in his arms and away from the roller coaster. I was safe. "Shhh," David whispered into my ear softly.

My heart stopped racing, and my breathing returned to normal. I stopped crying and lay in David's arms. He rubbed my back slowly and planted kisses on my head.

We were sitting at a metal picnic table that was painted bright yellow. Isaac was there but Riley and Brayden weren't. Isaac held out a frozen lemonade to me and I accepted it gratefully.

"You're safe," David whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly.

"You okay there tiger?," Isaac asked me.

"T-tiger?," I questioned.

"That's my new nickname for you," he replied smiling. I gave him a funny look and David chuckled.

"Do you want to go to some gift shops? Riley and Brayden went on that roller coaster and will probably be there for a bit," David said.

"Sure," my voice came out weak. But it was there.

We all stood up and headed over to the nearest gift shop. David held my hand firmly but gently, like he was afraid I would break if he held on too tight.

"What ride do you want to ride next?," Isaac asked no one in particular.

"Whatever I don't care," David shrugged.

"We should do that big pirate ship one that swigs back and forth," Isaac suggested as he held open the door to the gift shop.

"T-that one is really fun," I said almost in a whisper.

The gift shop was filled with bright colored t-shirts, stuffed animals, foods, and other things. The air conditioning felt good on my hot skin. Isaac ran straight to a huge lollipop like a four year old child would. While David and I glanced at the shirts.

"I wish I could sing the greatest song to you and make all your sadness float anyway," David said.

"It's not your fault," I replied and kissed his cheek.

"I know but it's like when your sad I'm sad and when you're happy I'm happy."

"You shouldn't be sad just because I'm sad and happy just because I'm happy because I don't want your emotions to depend on me."

David nodded but didn't reply to my comment. Instead he lead me over to Isaac who was buying the giant lollipop. Soon Riley and Brayden called David and we all decided to meet up at the pirate ship ride.

Before I knew it we were and seated in the ride. I was next to David with Isaac sitting alone below us and Riley with Brayden below him. And then I was flying and happy screams were all my ears heard.

The day went by too quickly. By dark we were all eating snow cones in front of the light up ferris wheel. "We should head back," Brayden said.

"But I don't want to go," Isaac whined.

"Me either," I sighed.

"Come here," David stood up and i grabbed his hand. As we left the park I could still hear happy screams and see neon lights.

One week passed by and that week turned into another which quickly lead to the time when David would be leaving me. We spent every day together. The band was getting busier and busier. Which meant David was getting busier.

"Aubrey...Aubrey hello?," David waved his hand in front of my face and brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hmmm what did you say?," I asked.

David chuckled," Do you want to hear my new song?"

"Yes! Yes of course," I replied happily.

David picked up his guitar and began to strum:

"I don't want to leave you
But I know I have to go
It's better if I don't say goodbye
But I know that I must...

So goodbye
I'll miss you
Stay strong

And I'll come home soon
So goodbye I'll miss you stay strong.."

Then the song ended. "That's all I have so far," David sighed.

"It's good," I replied smiling. But the song was about leaving and saying goodbye. Which kinda, totally broke my heart.

"It's...kinda for you. Since well...yeah...you know," David said blushing.

I kissed him straight on the lips. As we broke away I whispered "I think I'm falling in love with you."

My heart seemed to be beating out of my chest as I waited for his reply. But he just smiled at me for a moment and I felt his eyes graze over my body.

David lifted me up for my place on the floor and on to my bed with him. Then he slowly kissed me. We broke away to catch our breath then kissed again. My fingers held on the bottom of his shirt and I pulled it slightly.

It came off. I took a minute and looked at him. He was very fit. I could easily see his six-pack and muscles. Then I noticed it. "You have a tattoo," I whispered.

On his chest there was a small tattoo of a music note over his heart. I placed my hand on it then looked up at him. He nodded then explained " It's a reminder to always love music and to never give up. Is it okay that I have a tattoo?"

"Yes, I like it," I smiled and then kissed him.

I lay down on his chest and we stayed like this for a long time.

Author's note:
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next week is my birthday and I'm so excited! Remember to comment and vote! Love you guys!
Till next time~bloomagd

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