Chapter 1

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Jessie's pov

Today is the day I move in the my best friend. I'm flying to Houston right now. Its been about a month sense I have seen Justin. I am really happy we are living together. The plane just touched down. "All passenger please make your way to the exit " I grab my carry on and head to the gate. As I walk out I find Justin standing there with flowers and a sign that says 'my best bud my best friend'. I walk over to him and hug him he twirls me around. "Justin its great to see you I have missed you so much" "Jess I have missed you too. "He sets me down he grabs all of my luggage. "Give me some to carry. " I tell him. "No way" he giggled we walked to his truck and drove off

JJ's pov

I realized sense the last I have seen jess that my feeling have come back for her. In high school I had feelings for her hard. But I never shared them with her cause she looks at me as brother a protector a personal walking dairy. I just don't think she would ever have feelings like that for me. "So girl whats been up" I say talking to her while I focus my eyes on the road. "Oh I have so much to tell you. Okay so you how Katie and Steven have been together forever well guess what she pregnant " she said clapping her hands together. "Well that's good. When do you plan on pursing your mother career." Jessie has always wanted to have a bunch of children she says she wants five boys. "Well maybe I might just find a guy down here to start a family with." She says looking out the window smiling. "I'm sure he will come along." I say with hope that maybe one day that will be me with are five Watt boys. "So whats the cool hang outs down here. I wanna party tonight sense its my first night in town." "Oh there's this club called sync. All the guys on the team talk about it but I have never been. We can go tonight if you want." "Ya that's cool" I pull into are driveway and put the car in park and unload all her luggage. "Yo we got a sweet pad here." She stuck her hand out for a high five. We walk in and I show her to her room "We are gonna have so much fun living together." She hugs me and I gently hug her back.

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