"I'll get back to you in like an hour. You can stay here if you want" Emily said grabbing her car keys and slipping on some boots before she headed towards her front door. 

Emily walked along a gravel path before she walked across grass, and technically dead bodies before. Yes she was in a grave yard. Emily frowned when she saw a figure sitting opposite her mothers headstone. Emily slowly approached the figure before releasing it was Tommy. 

"Hey" Emily said quietly sitting down next to him. Tommy looked over at her and mumbled a 'hi'. "What are you doing here?" 

"Thinking" Tommy replied making Emily nod and look at the headstone. "You?" 

"The same I guess" Emily replied Tommy frowned a little. 

"Why haven't you slept?" Tommy asked knowing his sister to well to know that she definitely hadn't slept recently. 

"Calum left last night" Emily whispered making Tommy look at her with simpathy but she wasn't looking at him. 

"Where did he go?" Tommy asked wrapping his arms around his legs and pulling his legs towards his chest. 

"LA" Emily answered making Tommy nod. 

"Well he does live there" Tommy stated making Emily look over at him emotionless "Why didn't you go?" 

"Because this is where I live" Emily stated getting snappy about the matter. Tommy chuckled a little and looked over at his older sister. 

"Yeah but where is you're home?" Tommy asked making Emily look at him a little taken back. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emily asked making Tommy sigh a little because she was so clueless??

"Where do you feel safe and warm and happiest? Your apartment or Calum's embrace?" Tommy asked cringing a little at his words because this was kinda cheesy and a little romantic for him. 

"Why does this matter?" Emily asked "This is where my whole life is" 

"Because where you feel happiest is important" Tommy stated "And you're always saying that being happy is better than anything" 

"It is more important than anything" Emily stated making Tommy nod at her. 

"So why aren't you in LA?" Tommy asked making Emily look away from him. 

"Because I can't pack my life into a box and move across the world" Emily stated making Tommy roll his eyes at her. 

"You couldn't even think of another excuse?" Tommy asked chuckling "Honestly no originality" 

"So you think I should go?" 

"Everyone thinks you should go" Tommy commented "Well everyone that cares" Emily just nodded and remained quiet. "I will personally drag you on to an airplane to get you to LA" 

"Okay okay" Emily sighed running her hand through her hair. 

"Good I'm glad we got that sorted" Tommy smiled before looking back at the headstone. 

"Why are you here anyway?" Emily asked making Tommy go silent. 

"Because I don't know what I'm doing in my life" Tommy answered "Like I don't know if I want to play football for the rest of my life what if I'm good at something else and I'm neglecting it. What if I get bored of football but I threw everything else out the window for it" 

"You can't live your life by what if's. What if's don't matter, they don't change a thing. If you change your mind you change your mind. You can't make a decision with what if's in mind because life is fully of what if's and you'll be indecisive forever" 

"That made so much sense" Tommy said rolling his eyes at Emily who smile and shoved him lightly. 

"You're talented at football and you enjoy it" Emily shrugged "You haven't got that much to lose" 

"I guess I could be a model" Tommy shrugged making Emily raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Yeah and I could fly to the moon" Emily commented making Tommy chuckle before he stood up and Emily followed his actions brushing off her bum. 

"Go to fucking LA Em" Tommy said before he started to walk away from the graves. 

"No promises" Emily mumbled before she followed him back to the car park. "I'll see you soon" Emily called from her car as Tommy got in his. 

"Yeaah" Tommy replied before he got in his car and shut the door. Emily just sighed and got into her car before driving back to her apartment. 

Emily walked in to be face with Holly. "I booked us tickets!" Holly beamed "We leave in five hours" 

"What?!" Emily asked making Holly roll her eyes

"You'll thank me sooner or later" Holly smiled. "


Calum sat in a bar in LA. Michael was next to him and Luke was somewhere in the bar. Calum was on about his seventh whiskey. 

"I shouldn't have left" Calum mumbled making Michael roll his eyes at him. That's all he'd be saying for the past hour. 

"This is a great time to tell you I told you so" Michael said sipping on his beer "I told you to tell her ages ago" 

"Maybe I should fly back" Calum said looking at Michael with red eyes, from the alcohol and maybe crying but he'd never admit to that. 

"Yeah and piss off your management" Michael said sarcastically. 

"I don't give a fuck about them" Calum snapped making Michael shake his head a little. 

"Listen, she will come back okay? You guys are far from done" Michael said trying to comfort his best friend. 

"I should call Jennifer" 

"No don't be a fucking idiot. You screwed yourself over and now you don't wanna pay for the consequences. Fucking someone else is not going to get Emily back, it's going to make it worst" Michael saidgettng a little anger at Calum's stupidity.

"I wanna feel better" Calum whined 

"Jennifer is not going to make you feel better" Michael stated rolling his eyes at Calum. "Just trust me. Emily will come back and you guys can do whatever you do" 

"What makes you think that?" Calum asked 

"I just know" Michael shrugged. He knew because Holly had told him that she and Emily were coming to LA. Which he was glad about because depressed Calum was the worst Calum  but also because Holly was coming to LA which was just exciting. Calum downed his drink and cringed at the taste before calling the bartender over and ordering another whiskey. 


I put for the first time as a song for this chapter for this chapter because I though it was like them??/ 

Anyway this was kinda a filler but let me know what you think!!! 

Story of another us // Calum Hood #book 2Where stories live. Discover now