"I have to see Kylie. I have to make sure she's alright." I argued. 

"Justin, don't you start arguing with me. Now sit down and finish this." Kenny commanded. 

"But Kenny." I defended. 

"No, sit now. You're not going to win this and besides you know that deal you made with Scooter." Kenny scolded and pointed for me to sit down. I rolled my eyes and sat down. I just sat there bored and frustrated while I handed out the gifts. 

~10 Minutes Later~ 

"Can you smile?" A fans mom asked. I just shrugged and ignored her question while handing them their gifts and signed her book. 

"Excuse me, I am not appreciating your attitude. We've waited in this line for about 2 hours and we deserve at least a smile and not a bored fan or you can say how are we." The mom said. 

"Wait, can I tell you something?" I said annoyed while stopping the security to let her stay a bit longer. "I've been working since the morning and it's already 5pm and not once have I had a break and it's Christmas Eve don't you think I'm tired? Every single day I'm working. Right now I honestly want to be with my family and see if Kylie is ok instead of sitting here signing stuff. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate everyone waiting so long and supporting me, but I just need a break. I'm sorry I'm not smiling, it's just that I'm a bit frustrated and annoyed that I can't go see my family or Kylie... Alright? That's why I'm not really smiling." I sighed. She just stayed silent and looked at me. The security moved her to leave and I finished the rest of people waiting. 

"You have 10 minutes before you have to go on stage." Kenny said and let me stay chill backstage. The first thing I did was call Scooter. 

"Hello?" Scooter answered. 

"Hey Scooter, why didn't you tell me Kylie left the hospital?" 

"Who told you?" 

"A fan at the signing... Why didn't you?" 

"Right now she needs rest... I'm sorry Justin, but I don't want you near her." 

"But Scooter." I defended. 

"Justin we already settled this." 

"Ok." I sighed. "Is she mad at me?" 

"I got to go, we'll talk later." Scooter said quickly and hung up. I sighed frustrated while sitting back in a couch and I closed my eyes. 

"Tired?" I heard a familiar voice say while sitting next to me. 

"Yeah." I said without opening my eyes. 

"It's been sometime." The voice said. I got a little confused and looked to see who it was. 

"What do you want?" I said annoyed. It was Selena. "Why are you here?" 

"I just finished performing." 

"You do know that lip syncing isn't singing, right?.. And if you use so much auto tune it's basically trash." 

"Ouch, that's harsh." She said. 

"Well it's the truth." 

"Why are you so mad? Remember when you said you liked me? Why happened?" 

"What happened is that you used me for fame. You didn't even love me, you loved my fame." 

"So? What's bad about that?" 

"Selena, I had feelings for you, but when I found out you were using me all of that disappeared. I moved on to Kylie now." 

"Kylie, Kylie, Kylie... Everything's about her." She said annoyed. 

You Promised Forever: Sequel to Who Knewحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن