Chapter 50

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~1 Month Later~
Jackson's P.O.V
"So uh... What are we?" I randomly said as Jazmyn walked beside me. Kylie asked if we would walk Noodle since she had to watch Caleb because he was sick and Justin went to the studio.
"What do you mean?" She asked as she threw a rock into the pond.
"Are we going out? Are we just friends? Or are we nothing?"
"I don't know.. Why?" She asked while putting her hands in the pocket of her sweater.
"Well.. We kissed at the wedding." I sighed softly. It was true, we did, but no one saw. It was during the video they showed, Jazmyn and I were in a different room talking and we just randomly kissed.. Made out actually.
"No you kissed me."
"No you kissed me." I defended.
"Liar." She defended and glared at me.
"I'm telling the truth, you leaned in first." I said, we both know it was true, she just doesn't want to admit it.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Who kisses better me or that Rebecca girl." She asked and then immediately regretted it and blushed. A smirk went on my face.
"Hmm.. I don't know... I don't remember how you kiss." I said while taking a step closer to her.
"Do you need help remembering?"
"Definitely." I chuckled, without warning she crashed her lips on mine. I was surprised at first, but then we got into rhythm and I kissed back. With an instinct I put my hand around her waist and pulled her closer to me. All of a sudden I heard Noodle bark and started to run which made me fall to the floor since it surprised me, she jerked hard to run, and I didn't have a strong grip on the leash since I was too focused on the amazing kiss. "Oh shit she's getting away!" I said as I quickly got up and ran after Noodle. "Noodle come back!" I yelled out, but she just kept on running. What was she chasing anyway? Another dog? A cat? A bird? A squirrel? I ran as fast as I could, but she ran away and I lost her. I stopped since it was no use and I was tired.
"Where did she go?" Jazmyn asked as she caught up to me.
"I-I don't know... I l-lost her." I said as I panted for air. I stood there for a moment and got air until I could speak properly again. "Kylie is going to kill me, Caleb loves Noodle to death and he's going to be so sad when he finds out I lost her."
"It was sort of my fault to." She sighed. "I was the one who distracted you."
"But I was the one who didn't pay attention to the leash." I sighed and sat down on the floor to rest. I stared at the floor and tried to think of a way to get Noodle back. I then took out my phone and opened my twitter app. 'If any fans here in Atlanta sees Noodle can you please contact me' I tweeted with a picture of Noodle.
"Come on let's go find her." Jazmyn said as she helped me up.
"I saw her run that way." I said while pointing to the left where downtown was.
"Then let's go." She said and we started searching for Noodle in that direction.
* * *
Kylie's P.O.V
"Baby I'm home!" I heard Justin shout.
"In the kitchen!" I shouted back. Just then I saw him and I smiled. He smiled and came to hug me.
"What are you doing?" He asked while kissing my cheek.
"Making chicken noodle soup for Caleb.. He is really sick." I sighed. "I think maybe we should take him to the doctors.. He has a fever, his eyes are watery, he is sneezing, and he's coughing a lot." I said as I finished making the soup. I then poured it in a small bowl and grabbed a spoon.
"Let me go check on him.. I didn't know it was that bad." Justin said in a concerned voice. I then followed him upstairs to Caleb's room with the bowl of soup. "Hey buddy, are you ok?" Justin asked as he felt Caleb's forehead. "He's burning." Justin said and ran his fingers through his hair. I set the soup down on his dresser and went over to him. All of a sudden Caleb threw up all over his blanket and started to cry.
"Oh no.. Baby." I said as I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get a wet cloth and clean him up. "Its ok." I said as I cleaned some throw up from his mouth.
"Come on let's take him to get checked." Justin said worryingly. I nodded. Justin took Caleb's blanket and went to go put it in the washroom.
"Justin come look at this." I shouted.
"What's wrong?" Justin asked as he rushed in here.
"I took off Caleb's shirt so I can put a new one on him and he has like a rash on his back." I said worryingly. Justin came over and examined it.
"Buddy does it hurt?" Justin asked. Caleb shook his head.
"It's itchy." Caleb said as he continued to cry a little. I put a different shirt on him and then carried him downstairs. Justin got the keys and we headed to the doctors.
* * *
"Do you guys have any pets in the house?" Dr. Adams asked.
"We have a dog." Justin answered.
"That should explain." He nodded.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"Caleb was slowly getting an allergic reaction to pets."
"How can that be? We've had Noodle for more than a month now." Justin asked.
"Maybe when you first got the dog his body wasn't really reacting, but now he is... It's complicated, but he's allergic to the dog. We ran test and the rash is from dog hair that were on his clothes, was he playing with the dog before you guys got here?"
"No I had Jackson take him for a walk because he was getting a fever."
"That was a good move."
"So what now?" Justin asked.
"I'll give you guys medicine that you have to give him for the fever and ointment for the rash.. In a couple of hours he should be just fine." He smiled. "But you're going to have to get rid of Noodle."
"But Caleb is going to be lonely now." I sighed.
"Wait... No, Kylie have you gotten a teat?" Justin asked.
"Pregnancy test?" I asked.
"Yeah since you know.. That night have you checked?"
"Oh shoot no." I gasped.
"Well check now." Justin suggested.
"You want a pregnancy test?" Dr. Adams asked. I smiled and nodded. "I'll have a nurse come in." He smiled and left.
"Oh my god I ho-"
"Don't jinx it!" I said while hushing him.
"Sorry." He smiled. A nurse came in and we did the procedures for the test.
~10 minutes Later~
"Ok... It looks like... You're pregnant." The nurse smiled while looking at the paperwork. "One month pregnant in fact, congratulations." She said. Justin jumped up for the chair he was sitting in, picked me up, and spun me around.
"We're having another baby!" Justin cheered with a smile. I giggled and he put me down. "Caleb you're going to have a brother or sister." Justin said to Caleb who was laying down in the bed. Caleb's eyes widened and he smiled. Justin then turned to me and hugged me tightly. "Oh my gosh.. I'm going to cry." Justin chuckled and wiped his eyes.
"Aw don't cry.. You're going to make me cry." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"I'm going to be by your side through everything.. This time I'll be the one who wakes up in the middle of the night because of crying" Justin smiled.
"Shall we schedule an appointment for a check up?" The nurse asked. Justin and I both nodded. After that we headed home. I put ointment on Caleb's rash and put him down for a nap in my bed since his bed was sort of ruined.
"So what are we going to do about Noodle?" I asked.
"We can keep her at Scooters house." Justin suggested.
"Let's call and ask?"
"Yeah." Justin said and took out his phone. We explained what happened and he agreed to take care of Noodle.
"Oh and dad one more thing." I said with a smiled.
"What is it?"
"I'm pregnant." Justin said excitingly. "No wait I'm not pregnant.. Kylie is pregnant." Justin chuckled.
"You guys are having another baby?" Dad asked.
"Yup we found out today.. I'm already 1 month pregnant." I said with a smile.
"That's amazing.. Congratulations." Dad said, I could tell he was smiling. "But you guys are making me feel old now I'm going to have 2 grandchildren." Dad chuckled. We both laughed. "I'm really happy for you guys.. Well I have to go we'll talk later." Dad said. We said goodbye and hung up.
"Are we going to keep this a secret from the media?" Justin asked.
"Well.. They're going to find out when I start to show." I said.
"Good point."
"Let's make a video and tell them." I said. Justin agreed and we sat down in a chair in the corner, I sat on his lap. "Ok guys we have some news we want to share with you." I smiled into the phone camera.
"Today we just found out that Kylie is... 1 month pregnant." Justin smiled and kissed my cheek.
"So there's going to be another addition to the family, yay!" I smiled.
"I'm excited to experience all the things you have to do to take care of a newborn."
"So guys yeah.. Have a nice day.. Bye." I said and ended the video. I posted the link on twitter saying 'IM PREGNANT :D' after I did that my phone was blowing up with mentions. A lot were congratulations, I surprisingly didn't see any hate. I smiled and followed some and replied to some with thank you's.
"I can't wait for the baby to come." Justin said while putting his hand on my stomach.
"You're more excited than I am." I chuckled.
"It's just that I wasn't around for Caleb.. I'm gonna be around for this one and in going to do everything to take care of it." Justin smiled.
"You gotta let me help too." I chuckled.
"You can teach me how to change a diaper cause I don't think I'm very good at that." Justin said while hugging me and swaying me back and fourth.
"Alright." I smiled. We then went downstairs, making sure we had a baby monitor with us and one in our room near Caleb, and we watched TV and ate some snacks.
* * *
Jackson's P.O.V
"Thank you so much for finding her." I smiled to a girl my age as she handed me Noodle's leash. Noodle ended up near an ice cream shop near a different park.
"No problem, she ate some of my corn dog tho." She chuckled.
"Here let me buy you another one." I insisted.
"No, no it's ok."
"I insist."
"Ok fine." She smiled. We then walked inside, Jazmyn stayed outside with Noodle.
"May I have one corn dog for this lovely lady." I smiled. The guy smiled and gave me one. I paid him and then grabbed a napkin. I bent down on one knee and faced the girl. "I grant you with one corn dog.. For finding Noodle or else I would of been screwed." I joked and stood back up and gave it to her.
"Why thank you kind sir." She joked back and grabbed the corn dog with a smile. "Hey I'm a big fan of you.. Do you mind if I get a picture?"
"No I don't mind." I smiled. She took out her phone and we pose for a picture. I smiled in the first one and kissed her cheek in the second one.
"Thank you so much." She smiled.
"No problem and thanks again for finding Noodle." I said and hugged her, She hugged back and we said goodbyes. I went outside to find a pissed faced Jazmyn. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"You're flirting with her." She said while crossing her arms.
"Was not." I defended, she just glared at me. "Ok fine I was a little, but I'm not in to her when she said she was a fan of me.. Like what did I even do to get fans?" I said, chuckling at the last part. "Aw someone's jealous?" I smirked.
"Am not." She defended while blushing.
"Ok whatever you say." I said with a wink. She just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"Let's just get home." She sighed.
"Don't sigh... You remind me of my sister whenever Justin be's annoying." I said.
"Maybe you remind me of my brother and are annoying." She said.
"Whatever." I said and we called dad to come pick us up. Once dad came for us he explained why we're keeping Noodle at our house.
"Oh and one more thing." Dad said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Kylie is pregnant again." He said with a smile.
"Really?" Jazmyn said excitingly.
"I'm going to be an uncle to another kid?" I sighed.
"Why aren't you happy?" Dad asked.
"As if they spend all of their time with Caleb already now they're going to have another one and spend their time with them.. I just kind of miss hanging out with my sister." I sighed.
"Aw you miss your sister." Dad teased.
"I miss skateboarding with her and Justin, now they don't anymore."
"They don't have time for that stuff anymore, they've grown up.. They have other responsibilities." Dad said as he pulled into the driveway.
"I know.. It's just that there's moments when you miss that and want that." I shrugged and got out of the car. I opened the door for Jazmyn and helped her out. Noodle also jumped out.
"What was that about?" Dad chuckled and stared at us.
"What do you mean?" I asked, I knew exactly what he was talking about I just wanted to play dumb and avoid it.
"You just helped Jazzy out if the car... That never happens."
"It's called being a gentlemen, you should try it out sometime old man." I said and ran inside.
"So you lost Noodle?" Mom asked, she was sitting on the couch and looking at her iPad.
"Why?" I asked while coming over to her. I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and sat on the arm rests and looked down at the iPad with her. She was reading an article about what happened earlier today. "Oh that.. At first I did lose her... But she eventually got found and she's here now." I said.
"Oh okay." Mom nodded. "So what's with you and Jazzy?" She said while showing me a picture paps took of us making out.
"Ooo I look hot there." I pointed out.
"Jackson answer me."
"There's nothing between her and I, well I don't think so." I blushed. "She won't tell me.. It's really confusing."
"Well do you like her?" Mom asked.
"I don't know.. I guess, she's amazing." I said awkwardly.
"Aw my baby boy is having his first love." Mom said as she squeezed my cheeks.
"Stop she's coming here." I whispered as dad and Jazmyn came in and they both sat on the couch across from us.
"So Jazzy.. you're going to go back to Canada tomorrow?" Mom asked.
"Nope, in about an hour." She answered.
"What really? You don't want to stay longer?" I asked.
"I have school tomorrow and I'm kinda missing my friends and mom and dad and Jaxon." She said.
"Oh yeah tomorrow there's school." I sighed. "Drama." I said.
"Is Jackson home?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and it was Alex.
"Oh sure just walk right in." I said.
"Thanks I did." He said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"What do you want you fool?" I asked while getting up and doing our handshaking with him.
"You can't go out with Jazmyn." He said. I made a confused look and looked back at mom, dad, and Jazmyn. They were all staring at us.
"Uh.. We'll be in my room." I said and draggedu Alex to my room. "Ok what the hell are you talking about?" I asked as I sat down on my spinning chair.
"You can't be dating her."
"Why and who said we're dating?"
"Well you guys are obviously dating because you two made out at the park."
"Ok so when I make out with someone that means I'm dating them?"
"Technically yeah."
"Well we're not." I said. "Even if we were dating, why can't we?"
"Because I don't want to lose my best friend."
"If I got a girlfriend you won't lose me." I chuckled. "We'll still hang out."
"No we won't because I know how you are with girls... Your parents and Justin told you to give them all your attention and give them love and yeah.. You're going to slowly slip away form me."
"Alex you're starting to sound like we're in a relationship." I chuckled.
"We are in a relationship, you're my best friend." He joked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Ok buddy let's bond by watching some porn." Alex said while grabbing my laptop.
"Dude if you search porn on my laptop then I will kill you, my dad is going to get angry cause he has a way to find out what I do on this laptop." I said while taking away the laptop.
"Ok fine we'll watch it from my phone, I have a site bookmarked." Alex said in a serious tone and sat next to me but on my bed.
"You're gross Alex." I said while looking away.
"Don't tell me you have never seen porn." He said.
"I'm going to be honest... I have not seen porn in my entire life and I don't plan to." I said.
"So you're telling me you have never seen boobs or a pussy?"
"I've seen boobs before."
"Your moms doesn't count." He chuckled.
"I've seen my sisters." I chuckled. "One time at a photo shoot I accidentally walked in on her."
"Where they big? She looks like she has big, perfectly rounded boobs... Justin is lucky."
"You're so perverted and disgusting.. Stop thinking about my sister like that." I scolded while smacking him with my pillow. Just then the door opened and Jazmyn walked in.
"What are you doing here?" Alex snapped, I guess he doesn't like her very much. I glared at him and smacked him with the pillow again.
"Yeah?" I asked while spinning the chair around to face her.
"Jessica insisted that I come up and say bye to you." Jazmyn sighed.
"You don't seem happy.. You don't want to leave me huh?" I winked.
"No I just don't want to see you."
"Jazzy you're really confusing.. One moment you like me and then the next you don't like me.. Make up your mind." I sighed.
"I'm indecisive... I kinda like you." She shrugged.
"Good because I kinda like you too." I smiled and stood up to hug her.
"But you two are dating, right?" Alex asked.
"Uh.. Nope." She said.
"Aw." I sighed.
"Well Jackson I'm going back home.. I don't want a long distance relationship."
"Alright.. I understand... Just don't go around getting another boyfriend."
"We'll see." She chuckled. I quickly kissed her on the lips and we said our goodbyes. "Bye Alex." Jazmyn said and stuck out her hand so he can shake it.
"You're not taking my best friend.. So stop whatever it is that you do to make him like you." Alex said while shaking her hand and glaring at her.
"Im not doing anything." She defended.
"Whatever you know what you're doing."
"Grow some boobs and maybe he'll like you." Jazmyn said and walked out.
"She's mean.. I don't like her."
"You were being mean to her to."
"Whatever." Alex sighed. "Now about that porn."
"You can watch it, but I am not." I said while logging on to twitter on my laptop and started to creep around. In the back of my head I kept on thinking about Jazzy and I as a couple.. Could it work? Jazmyn Braun.. I guess that sound decent. Mr. and Mrs. Braun... I like it.
* * *
Kylie's P.O.V
I was just finishing putting away the clean dishes when I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms hug me from behind. I smiled and turned around. "Hey baby." I smiled and gave Justin a kiss on the lips.
"Ready to go to bed?" He asked.
"Yup." I smiled. Justin then carried me bridal style up the stairs and placed me on the bed next to Caleb. Caleb had woken up earlier, ate, and then went back to sleep. "I need to change into pajamas." I said while getting up and going to the closet. I put on shorts and a t-shirt. I put my hair up in a bun, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. Justin did the same and we laid down next to Caleb, I was in the middle.
"Did you know Jackson and Jazzy lost Noodle?" Justin asked randomly.
"They did?" I said while sitting up quickly.
"Yeah, but they found her again." Justin chuckled.
"Oh good." I sighed in relief and laid back down.
"Did you know they made out at the park?"
"No way... Seriously?" I asked.
"Yeah.. Look." Justin said and took out his phone he went on TMZ and showed me a video.
"That's cute." I smiled.
"I will only allow Jazzy to date Jackson.. That's all. Every other boy is using Jazzy for fame."
"Jazzy likes Jackson."
"Jackson likes Jazzy."
"They're meant to be." I chuckled.
"What is it with Bieber's and Braun's."
"Us Braun's have the look." I joked.
"We're good at being romantic."
"Yup." I smiled. We then laid there for a while I silence.
"I can't wait for baby 2." Justin said while rubbing my stomach.
"Me either." I smiled.
"If it's a girl.. What should we name her?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. "Let's talk about this some other time... I'm tired."
"Goodnight baby." Justin whispered and kissed me goodnight.
"Night." I said and snuggled next to Justin.
"One month down... Many more to come." Justin whispered. I smiled and closed my eyes. Justin has been the best husband so far and this is the happiest I've been in a long time. He just makes me feel so special and loved. I can't wait to for the baby to come and we can all be one big happy family. There may be ups and downs but we still manage to pull through. All of this is because we promised forever.

The End.

Authors Note:
Okay guys that's the end! Thanks for everyone reading both Who Knew? and You Promised Forever and thanks for leaving all your lovely comments they really help me write more. They motivate me so much so thanks :D

Ok so... I don't know if I'm going to start Under Pressure right away or first go back and fix my mistakes in Who Knew? And this book. I'm still thinking about it.

About that Jazzy and Jackson situation.. I'm thinking about first doing a whole story about Caleb and then going back and starting a story about Jazzy and Jackson. I don't know yet, what do you guys think? Or should I just mash them together in Under Pressure? Tell me what you guys think.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day! :D

Oh and follow me on twitter @BeenHereSince09 and talk with me I wanna connect with you guys more. (That sounds weird lol)

Ok this last thing: I wanna make it clear that throughout these two stories I know I've said hate about Selena Gomez, please don't take it the wrong way.. I don't hate Selena. This is just a story and every story has to have a bad guy... lol I think. But yeah Selena is a nice person and I respect her. Please don't think differently.

Now have a nice day and happy late new year!

You Promised Forever: Sequel to Who KnewWhere stories live. Discover now