Chapter 19

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"You must have left office."

She was rushing down the stairs and asked breathlessly, "How do you know?"

Mads responded, "Because I can hear you, dum-dum! Of all days, you had to be pulled into work today!"

"Yeah yeah I know. I'm sorry. But I'm on my way. It won't take me too long. The locals will be fairly empty by now. I hope." Adi sighed just thinking about it.

"I need a favour, Adi."

"Spill. Wait, it doesn't involve cooking, right?"

Mads laughed and said, "Uh yeah. With me and my brother around, I'm going to ask you to cook. I don't want to serve Maggi to Kunal, you know."

"Hey I cook Maggi well!"

"It's Maggi, Adi! No not you, Bhai. I meant Aditi. That bake looks great by the way. Aditi, are you still there?"

Aditi replied, "Yeah. So, Adi's made a bake?" Her mind conjured up a picture of a scrumptious bake with a cheese crust and she grinned happily.

Mads said, "Adi says you won't get any."

Aditi frowned and barked, "What? Why?"

"Because this bake is for people who are actually present at this party, Turtle."

She stopped as she heard Adi's voice on the phone unexpectedly. She smiled automatically and said, "I'm coming, Gupte. Don't you dare finish off that bake."

He laughed as Mads pulled the phone from him and said, "Stop bugging my friend and get to work. I don't want half-burnt food today of all days. Now Adi, I need a favour."

She heard Adi's voice in the background say, "I'm already cooking more than half of this meal. That is a big enough favour if you ask me."

Mads must have elbowed him because Aditi heard an "uff." She giggled and heard Mads say, "Not you, you goof! I meant Aditi. Aditi, I need you to pick up my colleagues from the park near our building. It gets confusing from there and I told them you'd pick them up. It's on your way, right? Won't be too much of a hassle. Please?"

Adi shook her head with a smile and said, "Mads, relax. I walk that stretch anyway. I'll get them. Now stop getting so worked up and tell me you're getting ready. What time is Kunal coming?"

"In another half an hour I hope. That's what I told him. And thanks Aditi! I sent you one of my colleague's number so you can co-ordinate with them."

Aditi nodded and said, "Okay I'll reach the park and give them a call. See you soon, love."

As she neared the park, she dug out her phone and dialled the number Mads had sent and pressed the phone to her ear. She heard a deep voice answer, "Hello?"

Adi said, "Hey, hi! This is Madhura Gupte's roommate, Aditi. She told you I'd pick you up from the park?"

The guy replied, "Oh hi Aditi! I was waiting for your call. We're already at the park. I'm near the gate. Can you see me?"

Adi eyed the gate and saw a guy raise a hand in her direction. She nodded and said, "Yes, I think I spotted you. I'm coming towards you now. Okay, bye!"

As she neared the gate, she eyed the guy more closely. His head was bent down as he was reading something on his phone. He then put the phone to his ear and looked up to meet Adi's eyes. He broke into a thoroughly disarming smile in recognition. She smiled automatically back in response. As she finally neared him, she glanced at the name on her phone quickly, then back at him. He held a hand out for her and shook hers with a firm grasp. He said, "Hi Aditi! Nice to finally meet you."

"Hi Vikramaditya! The pleasure is all mine."

Author'sNote: AhI had butterflies in my stomach just writing that name again. :P I hope youguys enjoyed that rather pleasant surprise. Since it would be cruel to leave itat that, the next chapter joins this one rather soon. Much love from Viks andme, – S

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