Chapter 19

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Kiara watched Aspen in shock the worried look on her face seeming to grow every second from the tone in Aspens voice.

"Kiara Go! Now!," Aspen growled as he pushed her out of the cave and then turned and covered it back up. She turned and began running next to him her paws feeling like tree stumps almost unable to move, and very heavy.
"Aspen what's going on?," she asked confused and her voice was laced with worry.

Aspen stopped and Kiara nearly slid into a tree as she watched him look around with his ears perked. Kiara shivered. Something didn't look right about him. Kiara shook her head and then watched as he turned and looked at her.

"Kiara.. Go find your dad and tell him that I am going towards the mountain," he said and pointed his snout towards the mountains in the distance. He seemed to have noticed she was going to argue but stopped her in her tracks and said,"Don't Argue just Go!!," he growled and turned in the opposite direction.

Kiara watched him run off then ran towards the village at full speed. She skidded and almost hit a few trees and jumped over a few bushes on the way. She looked over her shoulder for one second, and then looked back.

She slid right into one of the prickly bushes that were placed around the village in case of attack. She struggled and thrashed about before she let out a Yelp of pain from the thorns getting caught in her fur and poking her skin.

When she finally got out she was covered in thorns and looked like she had been running for an hour. She continued on her way to the village. As she ran past down wolves they backed away as if you had a disease or something. She ran past the guards and straight into the castle like building screaming,"Dad!! Dad!!," and he dad looked up in alarm.

"What's is it Kiara?," he asked and have her a strange look.

"It's Aspen!! He said he is going to the mountains but he won't tell me why!!," she said panicked and paced around. Her dad stood up and murmured something to some of the guards who raced out of the castle seeming got be in a hurry to get somewhere.

"Kiara I want you to hide in the castle. I'll find Aspen."

Then he turned and ran out of the room but Kiara noticed something about his scent that was unnatural. She had smelled it before, it was fear.

This made her feel even more nervous.
Suddenly she realized that she needed to find Aspen before her dad did. Something inside her clicked at that moment, and she had this terrible feeling, that she needed to find Aspen first.

Kiara ran towards the entrance, and something unusual happened. She didn't know it but, her eyes began to glow like they do before she blacks out. The guards were about to stop her, before they stepped back like they decided not to stop her.

She ran past and her eyes returned to normal. She stopped for a split second to sniff for her dads scent then she was off like a bullet from a gun. She breathes heavily every time she stopped for a moment to search for her dads scent out of the hundreds of other scents she couldn't recognize at the moment.

She ran like this for about 10 minutes becoming even more frantic the longer she searched, scared of something terrible happening.

As she got closer the scent became stronger, then, it mixed other scents. Not exactly sure who, but Kiara was sure her dad brought reinforcements. She charged forwards winding around trees and jumping over fallen logs covered in moss and fungi. Her paws pounded on the ground as she ran.
Her heart almost stopped when she heard the most menacing howl she had ever heard a wolf howl, as birds flew overhead she didn't hesitate once as she finally came to a clearing.
She skidded to a stop her claws scrapping across the dry ground and she leaned back stopping slowly.

She looked up and, what she saw almost killed her instantly.

There was a group of tough looking wolves, surrounding someone, all of them growling fiercely.

Kiara recognized this as the "Attack Growl" Aspen had taught her.

She shook her head, not caring what happened, and raced forwards pushing her way to the middle of the group to see what was happening.
She gasped.

"D-Dad..?" She choked out as she stood frozen in her tracks.

There was puddles of scarlet-red blood all over the ground. Her dad had Aspen pinned to the ground with a look so cold hard she almost had to look away.
But it was nothing compared to Aspen.

He was looking up at her dad with his glowing green eyes, filled with fury and horror. He had blood all over his teeth and deep gashes all over his body.

Kiara looked around noticing the other wolves were also covers in blood.
"Kiara Go back now." Her dad growled in his alpha tone.

Kiara suddenly worked up enough courage at that moment and leaped forwards pushing her dad back and both Aspen and her dad shot up on all four's growling deeply.

"You were going to KILL him Weren't you!!!!!," she snarled and looked at Aspen and her dad.

"Kiara he has killed to many wolves. If we let him stay he will kill more and more until we're all gone," he dad said trying to stay calm as he stepped towards Aspen.

Kiara darted forwards and stood in front of Aspen, her fur standing on end as she snarled at her dad showing her teeth warning him off.

"Kiara please just go back!," he dad barked and Kiara just ignored him.
"If you wanna kill him, you'll have to kill me first." She said and her dad stepped back his eyes filled with confusion and surprise.

Kiara secretly was proud of herself for being so tough, but she focused on the present and what was happening before she started day dreaming.

Kiara glanced back and saw Aspen growling and pacing back and forth still looking ferocious. Kiara looked back at her dad who looked at to wolves on either side on her. She watched as they nodded and began to walk forwards towards her.

"I'm sorry Kiara, your not staying," he said and then looked at Aspen behind her growling loudly.

Before the two wolves even touched Kiara she jumped back and her body began to glow. Her eyes shining bright white.

But she could control herself this time. Without thinking like she had transformed personalities she lashed out with a Glowing paw sending on wolf flying knocking a few other over, and gave the other one a cold hard stare and he backed off seeing what happened or the other one. Kiara growled once again before feeling a paw on her shoulder.

"Hey sparky, calm down. It's ok," said a familiar voice.

The fury left Kiara's eyes as she calmed down. Her body stopped glowing and her eyes lost their light. She almost fell over from the feeling of weakness. Suddenly another huge wolf stood on her side catching her before she fell.
She looks up to see a familiar pair of glowing green eyes, but now he had blood all over him.

"Aspen.. They were gonna kill you, what happened?," she said her eyes fogging up.

Aspen pawed at her face.
"That doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that you didn't black out, and I'm still here." He said and helped her stand up.

She looked over at her dad who was talking with some of the other wolves.
She still had this terrible feeling in the back of her head, and she couldn't ignore it.

I won't be able to Save him next time...

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