Chapter 16

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Kiara grumbled as she hung her head and kept her tail low. With each paw-step she mumbled about how she didn't want to be a hunter, or how she thought she wasn't a good hunter.

She sighed and thought about her life in the village before walking right into the side of something furry. She looked up and backed up fear swelling up inside her but she tried to look cool.

"Hey, watch where your going, runt," said a sassy voice. Fawn. Kiara glared at her then turned to see the hunting leader strut up to the front of the ground and Kiara turned and sat facing him her mind still clouded with thoughts of hunting and her human home.

"Fellow wolves, we gather here today before our hunting session to celebrate a new wolf who has joined our pack, and out hunting group. Please every pay your respects to our new group member, and the Peace Maker from our prophecy, Kiara!" He yelped joyfully and stood bowing his head to Kiara and in a wave the wolves turned and bowed their heads to her paying their respects. Kiara's eyes sparkled happily.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it would be.

Kiara looked to her left and saw Fawn and her group snickering at her and the wolves around them. Kiara growled quietly under her breath but it was almost silent.

The wolves lifted their heads one by one and the leader raises his head and looked at Kiara eyes sparkling with curiosity. "We welcome you into group #2 Kiara, I'm sure you'll be an exceptionally good hunter," he said and wagged his tail. "Ok today I'm going to split you into groups of 3-4 wolves each. You all know your groups. Kiara you'll be joining me in group #1 with Splinter, Sasha, and Marco," he said pointing his nose towards a group of exceptionally fit looking wolves them nodded towards her.

Kiara nodded and trotted over with enthusiasm. The she wolf called Sasha walked to her side and poked her with her nose. "Hey, nice to meet you, Kiara, I'm so glad your in my group!" She said happily and Kiara nodded towards her with equal enthusiasm.

The she wolf motioned towards the group leader. "So, Jason seems to like you. Your so lucky, he is like the second cutest male in the whole pack," she said and glanced at him dreamily.

Kiara tilted her head and asked confused, "Second? Who is the first?" She said and glanced at Jason walking towards them checking the other groups on the way giving them directions.

Sasha smiled, "Oh I thought you knew him. Aspen, of course, he is like a loner, mysterious and good-looking. I heard you two are good friends," she said and gave Kiara a sharp and questioning glance.

Kiara flickered her ears amused. "Yea I guess, speaking of which I have only been a wolf for a few days now," she said and then Sasha nodded almost looking reassured. Jason had just reached them when she looked over and all four of the wolves nodded to him.

"Ok, since we have a new hunter we are going to start somewhere a little easier. We're going to hunt in the meadow on the east side, Fawn's group is taking the west side so stay out of their way and they will stay out of ours," he said and casted a firm but slightly nervous glance towards Fawn and her group.

He turned and began trotting at a steady pace towards the meadow on a worn down dirt path obviously used many many times before.

Sasha looked at Kiara as they neared the meadow and asked,"So how many Times have you hunted before?"

Kiara looked at the ground, "Once. I almost didn't catch my prey," she said and looked at Sasha to see her surprised expression.

"You caught something on your First try? No one catches something on their first try. Man you are something, Kiara," she said and Kiara suddenly felt a little less worried about hunting.
One day I'll be in group #1 with Aspen. One day.

Hey guys, sorry this is a short chapter and I haven't updated In a while I've just been busy and I didn't have any good ideas lol. I'll write the next chapter as soon as possible. Cya!

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