Chapter 15

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Everything was a blur. Kiara woke startled when she felt a paw on her head.

"It's ok Kiara its me, Aspen." Said a familiar voice. Kiara lifted her head. Suddenly she remembered what had happened. She had killed the bear but with some magical power she didn't know she had.

"Aspen.. What happened to me," she asked in a quiet confused voice. Aspen sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know... Actually no one knows, you really are full of surprises Spark." He said with a smirk bringing up her nickname. Kiara growled playfully and batted at his head as her vision began to come back.

"She should be fine now. Just take it easy Kiara," said a calm voice nearby.
"Thanks Edith." Aspen said and Kiara remembered the little old wolf she had met.

There was the sound of paw steps outside the entrance and then another wolf padded inside rushing over towards Kiara.

"Oh Kiara!! Are you ok? I don't know what happened but I'm glad your safe." Said a deep voice. Dad.

Kiara sat up and looked at her dad and his worried expression. "I'm fine dad. The real question you all should be asking is, Aspen are you ok?" She said looking at Aspen. Her face was horrified.

He had bandages made from soft looking vines around his hind leg and a cut across his shoulder. He smiled at Kiara.

"I guess that bear got me pretty good, but don't worry Edith took care of me." He said as the she wolf nodded towards him. Kiara perked her ears up as she heard the sound of a herd of paws barge into the den.

"Oh my gosh Aspen!! Are you ok? What happened? Who did this too you?" Asked a bunch of voices. A group of she wolves stood around Aspen poking him and standing to close to him for Kiara's comfort but she could not control them. She felt dumb being protective over him. He was almost like a brother to her.

"Girls.. I" Aspen began to say s the she wolves herded him out of the den. He looked at Kiara with a sympathetic face as he got shoved through the entrance.
Kiara sighed and her dad chuckled and looked at Kiara.

"She wolves follow Aspen everywhere. Poor guy can't even sleep at night without knowing there was a wolf watching him." He said and his eyes sparkled slightly at the humorous thought.

Kiara shook her head. "I feel bad for him.." She said but she thought differently.

If any one of those idiots touches him I'll rip their throats out. Wait.. Did I just think that? Man this whole wolf thing is really getting to me.

Kiara struggled and her dad helped her out as she got up. She nodded her thanks to them and then quickly walked outside. She saw a group of she wolves nearby and figured that's where Aspen was. She growled softly under her breath but put on a happy face as she walked over to watch them.
Aspen looked up at her as the she wolves moved back making a path like she was a queen.

"Girls this is Kiara, I'm sure you've heard of her..." He said. Kiara watched the expressions of the she wolves. She was watching to see what they thought. Some of them seemed to be scared of her, because when she looked at them they looked away. One She wolf stood out. She walked towards Kiara and Aspen and then stood about a foot from Kiara.

The she wolf growled and the other she wolves walked away. It's was only Kiara and Aspen left.

"Now, you listen to me. Aspen is mine so don't touch him or else," she said and then whipped around and trotted off to find her little group of wolves.
Kiara stood stunned. She watched as the she wolf ran off and saw Aspen in the corner of her eye.

Does she think I like Aspen? I mean... Sure maybe I do..

She looked at Aspen. "What's was that all about?" She asked curiously.

He sighed and shook his head. "That was Fawn... Don't mind her she thinks she is good enough to be alpha.. And she is sorta obsessed with me.. But what I wanna know is what happened to you? Yesterday you started glowing and stuff and I don't know what happened after that," he said twitching his ears towards her to listen.

Kiara sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. You were in trouble and I just thought you needed help and so I ran over to help you but I didn't know I had so much power," she said with a shrug. She heard paws steps behind them and her father walked over to them.

"Aspen," Kyzer said nodding to Aspen and he nodded back. "Kiara, since your gonna be here a while I've decided to give you your first job. Aspen told me you were exceptionally good at hunting especially for a beginner. So I've decided to put you on a hunting team. You will be in group number 2 with a few other wolves," he said and Kiara nodded.

"Thank you Dad," she said and he nodded then turned and walked back to talk to some other important looking wolves.

"Wow group number 2? On your first day! That's awesome! The only other group better than that is well number 1 which I may or may not be in," he said and wagged his tail happily.

Kiara sighed. A hunter? She just barely caught that rabbit yesterday.. And she was a hunter?
Hey guys sorry it took me so long to post this chapter I've been busy!!! Hope you like it.

The Peace Keeper Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora