Bombarded Fun

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Hours have past as we walked this forest. Blue and I are getting exhausted, Pikachu lay peacefully on my shoulder. This day is calm, full of mystery as why the forest seemed melancholic. Pokemon will pass here and there, Blue will sometimes hand them berries for a nice gesture.

"Hey, there is a lake up ahead!" Blue warned me.

Glancing towards, there is a lake right in front of us. "Oh, so it seems. Let's check it out."

The lake is murky, but in a sensible way. Woopers' swim happily around while Caterpies' lay In the shade. Everything is leading up too a day of a sunday; a day of relaxation.

The blaze of the sun does want me to sit on my bum, with shade. Heck, it must be enjoyable to jump in the lake. My Pokémon must come out to see this. First, came out Pidgeat, then Charizard, Swellow, Flygon, and followed by Pikachu. Blue did the same, realeasing his Pokémon. Out came Aipom, then Mudkip, Shinx, and Riolu.

"Alright guys. Go and do your thing!" Blue encouraged.

All the Pokémon had excitement written on thier faces. Running off to bask in the lake's glory. With the exception of, Charizard, that stayed behind taking a nap.

Peeking at, Blue, I witniss a great smile he's beholding. My friend of mine do has great features that make him unique. We deserve to chill for just awhile, because of this fine day. My hand signaled for him to follow me, to sit by the oak tree. The tall tree provided great shade for us, also provided a great viewing area.

Pikachu and Mudkip splashed each other in the lake, Shinx and Riolu chase each other around, Aipom is swinging around grabbing berry's to eat, and Swellow, Pideot, and Flygon flew around the air to have flying competitions.

"I love seeing Pokémon just having fun. Makes me happy." Blue spoke.

"Yeah, it's such a nice day too." I added, then I noticed that, Blue, is staring at me from the corner of my eye, "What?"

"Oh, Nothing. . ." He turned his head.

He's acting oddish for some reason, but why. Must be something he's dealing with himself. I should not interfere, unless he wants too. I don't want to see him uncomfortable, so I'm changing the topic.

"We should go swimming!" I suggested.

Confused, "W-what?" 

"Come on, let's have some fun!" I encouraged.

Declining, "No, I'm not in the mood. . ."

"Why do I get the sense that you are lying!? Join me!" I persisted.

"Um, we don't have swim trunks. . . " He excused.

"That won't stop me." I gushed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Taking of my hat I pulled my shirt off, placing it down with my backpack. Slowly, I pulled down my pants, but Blue caused me to stop, "Your going to skinny dip!?"

Laughing, "Only if you join me." I winked jokingly.

Blushing, "Are you s-serious?"

"No, I'm just gonna wear my boxers, haha." I assured.

"Oh, well, thanks for the offer, but I don't want to go swimming. . . I'll just watch." He objected.

How come he doesn't want to swim with me. It's not like I have a infection of cooties. It offends me just a bit, but I know he means well. I was just about to ask him until hearing a distressed call from one of our Pokémon. Blue immediately ran to what was happening. I quickly got my shirt, forcefully pulled it on while I got my hat. Then I sprinted to the direction where Blue is.

Spotting him all worried, scared. Shinx was thrown across from the action of a wild Pokémon. I'm baffeld, what was the anger that was radiating from this Pokémon. A true death stare written on his face with a hint of souless eyes.

Pikachu ran quickly to my side. Swellow used Aerial Ace, attacking the Pokémon. However, only making it furious. I returned Flygon, Pidgeot, and Swellow to thier safe haven, their pokéball.

"Why would, Drapion, attack us viciously?!" Blue questioned.

"Charizard, you been lazy all day come and help out!" I tried to convince him.

Charized refuses, still sleeping, "Are you serious? Chaizard, please wake up!" I pleaded. Charizard only shifted to his side to face his back towards me.

Returning him to his pokéball, "Dammit, Charizard!"

The wild Pokémon used Pin Missle, the sharp spikes were launched at me and Pikachu in a rapid succession. We dodged at the right time, but it was too close. I must do something quick, before anything fatel happpens. Blue is behind me with Shinx in his arms, quietly worrying. We need protection, looks like I have to be the savior.

"Pikachu use Discharge!" Pikachu powered up with electricity, launching a wavelength of electric sparks around Drapion. Hoping to paralyze it., but the move wasn't effective though.

Drapion used Poison Sting to counter, "Dodge!"

Pikachu moved successfully, but Drapion quickly used Night Slash; resulting to a direct hit. Pikachu limped a little, although still staying strong. Drapion tried to use Acupressure, but I told Pikachu to use Tail Whip on him. Drapion backed away slowly with a few scratches, but still wanting more; what a greedy creature.

Shouting, "Use, Electro Ball!"

If this goes on anymore then eventually, Pikachu, will back down from exhaustion. I peeked behind me to check on Blue and Shinx. They're doing just fine, but I noticed that Blue eyes were widened from what was happening in front of me. Investigating back to the battle, Drapion is sprinting towards my way.

"Red, Run!" Blue yelled.

The escape wasn't great without rapid speed. Drapion managed to tackle me, before I even knew it, I'm on the ground. Someone was shouting my name, but the world was fading in front of my eyes. Darker and darker my surrounding areas became solid black. The very hearing of mine has failed me also. Along with the numbness on the very spot of the attack.

I slept away.

Red (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now