Chapter One-Getting Harrys Attention

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It had been nearly five years since that day. He had met the famous Harry Potter, and back then he had not even known he was famous, In the robe shop in Diagon Alley. It wasn't a long conversation, but it had been memorable. He could tell with very minimal evidence that he was the sort he wanted to be friends with. He was unlike the wizards that his parent forced his friendship upon. He seemed clueless of the blood restrictions that were heavily put into place and didn't quite understand that he was much more than ordinary.

It was his innocence that defined him as who he was, a child raised by muggles who did not ask to have a lightning bolt scar. Or to be the one chosen to be the savior of the wizarding world, the boy who just wanted to be like everyone else. Who, at the time, had no idea what lay in store for him when he got to the wizarding world.

He noticed him again upon his arrival at Hogwarts. Walking with a boy who he recognized as a Weasley. What was it with the Weasley that attracted Harry to him, he had almost nothing, his family was poor and greeted mudbloods as if they were also wizards.

He shook these thoughts from his head, he sounded just like his father.

He followed the other children into the school, keeping an eye on the boy.

Walking a bit faster, he entered the great hall, spending no time admiring the decor. As the sorting commenced, he hardly listened to the children before him, for he was busy observing Harry Potter.

His name was called and he walked up to the stool, "Slytherin!" the hat called. A great pride filled him.

He sat down with the other Slytherin, cheering wildly at the first years who were being sorted into their houses. Names were called and the first years made their way to the stool where Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on their heads. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, they were sorted. But the cheering stopped when a boy named Harry Potter was called.

He stared at the boy with raven black hair, beautifully out of place, and dark green eyes. Heart beating fast he kept staring, there was a pause before the hat shouted, "Gryffindor!" His heart sank and he glared at his empty plate. First, he had refused to shake his hand and now this. Gryffindor shouted his name and pumped their fists. Everyone else stayed silent.

That Night, Draco Malfoy laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, on the first day back to school. It had been nearly five years since that night. He clenched his fists and grunted loudly. He had attempted to get Harry's attention through various taunts and teases since he had been put into the rival house. All attempts had proved useless. What else was he supposed to do?

This year, he told himself, was the year Harry would notice. He rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes. It was pointless. He could not fall asleep, his brain was clouded with thoughts of Potter.

When he had gotten his letter that summer, he had found that he had been chosen to be a prefect. He had been certain potter would've been chosen too, which would give him a reason to spend some time with him. But no, it had been his two worthless friends. He had to tell the boy how he felt, it was eating him up inside. If he kept procrastinating it would be too late, he would find someone else.

Memories of the yule ball filled his head. Had he already found someone else? That girl he had asked, was there something between them? He rolled over to the other side, pushing the thought from his head.

Dammit, potter, why must you do this to me, his last thought before falling asleep.After breakfast the next morning Draco waited outside the potions classroom with Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy by his side. Harry strolled down the hallway, Granger, and Weasley trailing behind.

"Good holiday, Potter?" He asked smirking as he grew closer. He looked worn and tired.

"What do you care?" He asked angrily trying to shove past him.

"How rude," Draco said pushing Harry away from the door.

Hermione stepped between them, facing Draco. "Leave him alone, Malfoy," she said sternly.

"Bossy little prat, this one, how do you even stand her?" Draco said stepping out of the way. He eyed Harry as he passed, trying to make eye contact, but he didn't look back. He followed them into the classroom, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy at his heals. He couldn't help but let a frown inhabit his face.

He endured another potions class, following Snape's instructions precisely. He stirred his potion until it was a perfect consistency.

"Do you know how to read potter?" He heard Snape say loudly. Draco stared into his cauldron. This was not going to end well. Goyle, who sat next to him, nudged him and pointed towards Harry. He turned and looked at him.

Harry's eyes flickered from Snapes to Dracos. They stared at each other for an awkward three seconds before he broke eye contact and looked back at Snape. "Yes, sir," he said.

"Would you read the third line?" Snape asked coldly. harry looked back at the board. terror filled his eyes as he realized his mistake. Snape wiped his cauldron clean with a wave of his wand.

"The rest of you fill these vials and place them neatly on my desk. As for you Potter, you will be receiving a zero for the day."

Draco did as he was told and then cleaned up his area, placing his books back in his bag. He shot a glance at Harry who fixed his gaze hatefully on his cauldron, his white knuckles wrapped around the edge of the table. Draco passed him smirking, but Harry didn't notice.

Dammit, potter, notice me, he thought, walking out of the room.

It wasn't for a few more days that he saw the boy again, at the care of magical creatures. Harry was already there, along with the other 5th year Gryffindor. Malfoy and the rest of his Slytherin gang walked down the path towards Hagrid's cabin, although Hagrid was not there. Instead, professor grubby-plank stood waiting for them, face pulled into a scowl.

"No Hagrid I see, that big ugly brute must've gotten lost in the forest. He's got no sense of direction, " Draco cooed.

"Don't you talk about Hagrid that way you filthy ferret!" Harry growled. Ron gave a laugh once seeing Draco's reaction.

Draco scowled, "you think you're such a saint potter," he began.

"Saint Potter!" his gang chanted. Harry brought his fist back, about to punch him but Hermione grabbed his arm.

"Harry, don't. Look," she pointed back up at the castle where a plump toad-like figure walked down the path, Umbridge. Draco smirked at him, raising an eyebrow, and then mouthed, 'saint potter'

Hermione pulled him away, all three of them glared at him. Umbridge came into the circle of students smiling politely. she pinched lavenders cheek, making a kissy sort of face, which made Harry gag. She moved towards professor Grubby-plank in a stride that connoted to her prideful nature.

Malfoy tried getting his attention, calling his name in a loud whisper, but the boy gave no acknowledgment of his call. He eventually gave up as professor Grubby-plank finished talking to Umbridge and started addressing the class about centaurs.

Umbridge watched from the edge smiling sweetly. She noticed Harry scowling at her and walked over to him.

"Come on dear, lighten up, you wouldn't want your face to stay that way, would you?"He clenched his fists and the bell rang from the castle. He didn't stay any longer than he needed to, pushing angrily through the student. He purposely shoved Malfoy with his shoulder as he passed him.

"Watch it, Potter," He called.

Ron and Hemione ran after him, glaring at Malfoy.

"What a git," Malfoy snarled. Although that couldn't have been farther from what he felt. He watched Potter rush up the hill and back to the castle. He had noticed him, not in a good way, but Potter noticed him.

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