A Familiar Face.

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Drake’s POV

 I winced slightly as I felt someone move my right arm . I guess I had fallen with quite some impact.

I got up from my fallen position , or atleast what I thought was my fallen position.

I opened my eyes to see that I had been lying in the middle of some clearing which was surrounded by thick bushes and trees

‘Where am I??'  , I asked myself and winced as I moved my right arm.

A very familiar voice answered my question  , ‘Dude , I think we have been kidnapped!!!!'

I turned around to see Alex now standing and helping Em up as he answered my question  . Em smacked his head once she was up .

‘Ow !! Em !! What was that for ?' , Alex muttered rubbing the back of his head

‘For being soo stupid' , she said as she walked past him towards me.

‘Huh?? How am I stupid?',  He asked confused

‘For assuming we have been kidnapped',  She retorted back

‘Well , what else do you expect me to think when we are suddenly unconcious and wake up in an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night?' , Alex said annoyed

Em din’t respond to him as she inspected my bruised right arm , ‘It doesn’t seem broken to me , but I think you shouldn’t work it up too much.' 

‘Yea thanks , Em' , I said

‘No problem' , She said as she got up.

‘Yea , yea. Ignore me all you want. Sometimes , I don’t even understand why you are my friend , Em' , Alex muttered grumpily.

Em walked up to him and smacked his head upside ...again

‘No what did you do that for  , Em?' , Alex asked now getting angry

‘For being so cranky' , Em said

‘You know what   , enough of  bickering you two. Will someone please explain why we are here ? Or wait...even better...How are we here?' , I asked to both of my friends

‘Well  , Unlike Alex who thinks that we have been kidnapped , I have a theory' , Em said giving Alex a look

‘Well  , what is this "theory" Em?' , Alex asked air quoting the word theory

‘Well  , that door you opened , Drake , I think was some sort of a bridge or portal. Which we crossed once you opened it' , she paused letting it all sink in

Alex said after a pause , ‘Em , I think you are watching and reading wayy too much fiction than necessary. You’re even starting to think that way'

‘Well , do you have any other possible theory , Alex??'  , Em said glaring at him

‘I still stick to my theory of being kidnapped' , Alex said crossing his arms

‘Except that'  , Em said

‘There is nothing "Except that"  Em. We have been kidnapped and you just don’t want to believe that' , Alex said closing the distance between him and Em

‘We have not been kidnapped , Alex !!! Get that through your head!!' , Em yelled angrily as she came closer to him

‘And  , why not? What makes you say that?' , Alex said .

‘Because , if we were kidnapped , we would have been tied to some rusty old chairs or handcuffed or killed or drugged or Anything that was really dangerous. But , here we are in the middle of a clearing free to run anywhere?? Why would a kidnapper , if there was one, do something like this?' , Em said in one breath

‘Well , maybe he’s a creative kidnapper and doesn’t want to go for the cliche’d styles!!' , Alex yelled defensively

Both Em and Alex were technically nose to nose and glaring each other like mortal enemies. It was actually really funny and I couldn’t hold my laughter any longer and finally all hell broke loose and I burst our laughing

Both of them turned sideways and yelled  , ‘What are you laughing for???'

‘You guys--haha--are so--haha--funny--haha'  , I said in breaths between my laughter

They both looked  at each other , noticing their closeness for the first time , stepped back involuntarily , still giving each other death glares.

‘I still think we are kidnapped' , Alex muttered defensively crossing his arms.

‘We’re not , we’re not , we’re not !!!!!' , Em ranted angrily.

‘She’s right , Alex , you’re not kidnapped' , A third voice said which was definitely not mine coz my voice was NOT girly..!

Everyone stared at each other wide eyed and looked around wondering where that voice came from .

‘Who said that?'  , Alex asked standing in front of Em defensively.

‘I Did'   , And there was a rustle between the trees when finally someone , no not someone , a girl , fell out of the bushes as she tripped on a branch

We all looked at each other as she got up and brushed her arms , ‘Damn !! I was hoping I could make a dramatic entrance , like people usually did in movies!!! Anyways--'  , She said as she looked up

We all gasped loud and nearly yelled , ‘KIM !!!!!!'

She looked taken aback but waved at us with a smile and said , ‘Hi guys !!! Nice to finally see you all awake'


A/N : Short chapter , i know..

I'll post more tomorrow.

Tell me how you liked it....

I added the cast for Em , Kim and Anthony on the side.

I think they are fit !! don't you??



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