Chapter 19

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"Oh Sunpaw! It's beautiful," Featherpaw breathed. It was a tiny lake. Not as big as the one where the gathering island is, but a small replica of it. The grass was shimmering a silver colour from the moonlight, and was stirred by a gentle breeze. Over the tiny pond was a full landscape of HeatherClan's territory; the endless stretch of hills fading away gradually. The moon shone over the tiny lake, turning the water a dark shade of silver. Tiny pink flowers grew near a small den woven from bracken, honeysuckle stems, and gaps in the side walls were filled in with wide leaves. "I have never seen anything so amazing in my whole life! Did you really make this for me? It's so beautiful!" She ran forward and covered him in licks. "Well, I had made it for my special one, but as soon as you opened your eyes as a kit, I knew it was you." He scuffled his forepaws in embarrassment. "You're so amazing Sunpaw!" She purred. He licked her forehead. "Let's sit here, next to the water." They found a comfy spot on the grass and settled down. Fetherpaw leaned against Sunpaw and breathed in his warm, flower-scented scent. Sunpaw whispered in her ear. "I will always protect you, Featherpaw. Nothing will ever harm you when you're with me." She purred, while grooming his fur. For the first time in her life, she had someone. She was content. For the first time in her life, she was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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