Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"There. All finished." Sunpaw mewed. "I'd better get going. See you tomorrow!" He called over his shoulder as he padded out of the den. "Thank you!" Featherkit called out. The bedding was still dirty, but at least it wasn't painful. Featherkit climbed into her nest, exhausted, and sleep crashed over her like a black wave. A few minutes later, she woke up, but not in her den. She was in a shadowy, dark forest. She padded out into the open, but seeing the shadow of another cat made her run back behind the tree. "Unsheathe your claws! Fight like a proper warrior, not a weak kit!" An unfamiliar snarl made her shrink in fear. "Okay Okay! Stop rushing me! I'm still an apprentice! I'll get it eventually!" Featherkit stiffened as she recognized the whiny growl of Fernpaw.

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