Age Gap

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S.Coups: Younger

Since he's the leader, he would want to take care of his significant other. He would want to be someone to be relied on and would want to be reliable to you.

Jeonghan: Younger

Having a younger sister himself, he would also want to take care of a significant other. He'd find it very endearing when you depend on him.

Joshua: Younger

He's a kid at heart and he'd want someone that can connect with him like that. He would prefer someone who relies all their trust on him.

Jun: Both

Jun doesn't mind if his significant other is older or younger,he'd be happy as long as you're his.

Hoshi: Both

Is kid-like but at the same time, mature, since the responsibilities of being the performance leader are stacked upon him. He'd want someone who would take care of him well but at the same time call him "oppa"

Wonwoo: Both

Doesn't mind if you're younger or older, as long as you accept him for him. He would enjoy being a dork with you anyways and being a dork doesn't define your age.

Woozi: Both

Either younger or older, as long as he finds the connection with someone, he doesn't mind the age difference.

DK: Older

He would want to depend on someone more and would want to have a sense of assurance with them.

Mingyu: Older

Prefers someone who's older than him. He would want to rely on someone who know what they're doing.

THE8: Older

Having an older significant other would help him out alot, since he's still learning and venturing out to new things.

Seungkwan: Older

Has an older sister, so he knows the feeling of being taken cared of. He would want that in a significant other as well :)

Vernon: Younger

Is open to both but prefers someone younger since he does have a younger sister, he would want his significant other to depend on him more.

Dino: Older

Would prefer someone elder since he's young, he would want to learn and grow with his significant other.

They would prefer 1-5 years of age gap depending on them, but would change as they grow older and maybe venture more or add more years on that gap.

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