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SEVENTEEN ..... Reaction To Coming Home And Finding You Asleep On The Couch

S.Coups: He would probably find it kind of funny and would snap a picture for later before carrying you to your bed knowing you'll be more comfortable there.

Jeonghan: Like Coups he would also snap a picture, but he would probably wake you up and help you to bed instead of simply carrying you. He would also make sure you have eaten before letting you fall back asleep.

Joshua: Probably wouldn't move you in fear of waking you up. Instead he make small adjustments to your position to make you as comfortable as possible. He would grab a blanket for you and himself and sleep in the living room as well.

Jun: He would probably panic about what to do and call one of the boys for advice, waking you up in the process. However his apology would consist of cute forehead kisses and hot chocolate.

Hoshi: He would definitely take a photo but instead of keeping to himself, by the time you woke up the rest of the boys all would have gotten at least five pictures each.

Wonwoo: Like Jun he probably wouldn't know what to do and panic a little and maybe a few calls to the boys. But in the end he simply carries you to bed

Woozi: If he wasn't too focused on getting to his personal studio and actually noticed you on the couch, he would probably cover you with a blanket and leave a note telling you that he was on the studio.

DK: He probably wouldn't make to big a deal out of it and simply carry you to bed. But obviously not before taking a picture of the two of you snuggled together.

Mingyu: He would try to carry you to bed, but would accidentally wake you. As punishment he gives you a piggy back ride to your room and the rest of the night is spent only half paying attention to old drama reruns.

The8: He wouldn't try to move you. Instead he you adjust you until the two of you are laying on the couch together, you wrapped comfortably in his arms.

Seungkwan: He would try to play tough guy and carry you to bed, but would accidentally trip halfway there causing to two of you to fall on top of one another and you accidentally brush lips. Cheesy drama scene ensues.

Vernon: He would probably enter the house yelling and wake up that way. His apology means that you two share a bowl of popcorn and watch your favorite movie cuddle on the couch together.

Dino: He would pretty much be the same as Vernon but towards the end of the movie you feel a pressure on your shoulder to find that he has fallen asleep himself.

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