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You and your boyfriend Soonyoung were in the car on the way to a Korean restaurant he suggested for a date. "Have you ever been there before?" you asked as you haven't yourself. 

Soonyoung blushed slightly as he said "Actually I haven't, they're a new place that just opened a few weeks ago so I thought we could try it out together." 

Pulling into the parking lot as he finished, you looked over the place and thought it looked pretty nice, but also pretty full. Holding Soonyoung's hand as he led you inside, you scanned over the dining area and luckily saw a few tables still available. 

"Table for two?" the server asked. Nodding your head yes, you two were led to a table and handed two menus. After thinking it over for a few minutes, you both decided to get the ddeokbokki. 

"I hope its good, I'm really hungry~" Soonyoung said with a small pout, making you smile. Soon enough, the food was placed in front of you both, and before he could give it a second thought, Soonyoung had a mouth full of food. Giggling at his actions, your face soon changed to one of concern as he started sweating quickly. Knowing he can't eat spicy foods well, you got some napkins and went over and started dabbing them on his forehead, causing him to blush while sipping some of his drink. Once done, you looked at him and asked 

"Soonyoung are you okay?" He gave a shy nod yes, and you smiled before leaning in a giving him a small kiss on the lips before sitting back down. Looking back up at him again, you saw him blushing more than ever while calling the waiter to order something different, and not spicy

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