Highschool/Meet the Raysides

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*Claudia POV*

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*Claudia POV*

Me and Liza got to their school and walked around. The high school they go to now, we already been to. Still the same teachers and the same principle even though it's been a year since we been here. We got our all day visitors pass and walked around the school for awhile. I forgot how big this school, like walking around the school was more like a workout than anything. As I'm talking to Liza some girl started to talk to us.

"Well, well what do I owe this honor to have to sexy females here at my school." Ugh she is way too cocky for my liking.

"Shouldn’t you be in class kid. Doesn’t it end in like 20 minutes from now." I said.

"Baby girl I run this school, so y'all here to see me or what." Can she like stop now.

"Look here pipsqueak I'm here to see my girlfriend Donni and you are cutting into my time okay. I don’t need your childish behavior or that cockiness you have." Way to go Liza!

"Oh that thing, you with her. Don’t make me laugh, my side hurts. You don’t have to lie to me baby, im all you need." The girl said.

"Riley! Get yo narrow ass in class fool. Everyone knows you're going to be a super senior. I'm sorry about her behavior, Im Shaun, Xavier's half sister you must be Claudia and Liza. Come with me I got class with them." She said, well at least her sister is nice unlike that kid Riley.

"Thank you. At least there is someone who isn't trying to hit on us." I said

"Ha don’t be too glad that’s just the beginning. You will have the whole school on y'all." Shaun said.

                          Shaun pic

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                          Shaun pic

Shaun is pretty tatted up for a seni
or. She looks more like a DJ or a bartender. She seems pretty cool as fuck, well that’s one family member down, I don’t know how many left to go. We all get to Mrs. E Biology classroom and the memories just floods in.

"Oh my goodness is that Ms. Elizabeth and Ms. Claudia. Aw look at you two, just two beautiful young women." Mrs. E said, aww she missed u

"Mrs.E!" Me and Liza ran to her and gave her a hug.

"And wait do I owe this honor to have you two back in my class." She said hugging us.

"Oh we can came to see our girlfriends Xavier and Donni." I said and she smiled at us.

"Well I approve of it, they are two fine young ladies and some slackers too." Mrs.E told us. They are in trouble now.

"Heyyy Mrs. E we are not slackers. Im appalled that you called us that." Xavier fake grabbed her heart as if it's been ripped out her chest.

"Well she approve so hush." I went over to her.

Everyone had their eyes on us. I like the attention though, some girls rolled their eyes but I was amused by it. Of course Ella was in the class looking all butt hurt because I got her girl.

"So i see you met Shaun already." Xavier held my waist.

"Yes and she is tatted up for a senior." I told her.

"Yeah but I'm a sexy one though." Shaun came over and elbowed me in the side.

"Whatever floats your boat Shauny." I said.

"I get a nickname too I like her. I approve too." She dap Xavier up.

"Better, this is my baby." Xavier kissed my cheek.

Liza and Donni was in the back all cuddled up. Being little freaks but me and Liza have one big rule, and that rule is they have to wait 90 days before they can get the cookies. Oh I can't wait to tell Xavier, she is going to flip. The entire school day people was talking and everything. Like who wouldn’t look with two sexy ass girls walking with the two sexiest studs, well Shaun counts too.

We sat with them at lunch and met some of their friends, It's was a bunch of straight people. Surprisingly, one guy was​ funny keeps saying he's gay but he wasn’t, all in all he is really cool in a brotherly type of way. Then is was 3 straight girls and one gay guy that you couldn’t tell that he was gay. He's from Mississippi, I can tell by the way he talked. They all was fun to hang out with though.

After school I gotten to know Shaun more. She doesn’t have a dick like Xavier and Donni does. They told me that dinner is at 9 o'clock at some restaurant but Xavier was talking me with her so I don’t have to drive up there.

*Saturday Night*

"Baby what should I wear." I said. Looking at Xavier, she was wearing; red button down polo shirt, white slacks, and black red bottom loafers. " damn baby might just want to eat you instead."

"You should wear this red dress." She held me by my waist "And those black red bottom heels, you will look stunning in that baby girl."

"I have to tell you something baby." I think I should tell her now.

"What's up." She said sat on the bed.
"I have a 90 day rule. So no sex before the 90 days." I said.

"That's fine baby it would be worth the wait now get dress we don’t wanna be late." Xavier kissed me and smacked my ass. I don’t know if the days we be torture for me or her.

I put on the dress Xavier said and she was right I look sexy, she has good taste. We got into her car and went to the restaurant. I was fancy as hell. I saw her parents at the table and they were looking good too, Shaun was there also. Wow her family are some sexy ass people. We sat at the table and order.

"So Claudia how long have you two dated." Her dad said.

"About a week but it feel longer than that." I replied

"So the relationship is fairly new, my daughter talks highly about you a lot."I blushed at that she really talks about me.

"Pops hush she don’t need to know that." She muttered.

"So this is the beautiful Claudia I hear so much about, I'm Lorraine her mother and this his her father William." Her mom said.

"You can call me Will. I'm sure you met Shaun already. Wow Xavier you sure know how to pick them." He said.

"Yeah you do. I'm glad you got rid of that gold digger chick. Lorraine said. Damn she must not like her at all.

"Yes I know. She was a pest but enough of her, this my future right here." Xavier grabbed my hand.

"I really like her and I was excited about meeting you all" I said.

"I am too. You are seriously beautiful. Can't wait to spend more time with you." Lorraine said.

Her family seems really cool. As we ate I realize Xavier was drinking red wine with her food. In my family the only time you can drink underage around family was New Years. They don’t seem all stuck up, there just a regular family who wants the best for their children. They also told me some of their family are gay too. Like her grandma is married to a woman on her dad's side. Also it's more fems and stems in the family than studs. I get use to this type of family.



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